
\'Miracles\': New film explores extraordinary events in Christendom that have awed people for thousands of years
'Miracles': New film explores extraordinary events in Christendom that have awed people for thousands of years

How do you explain something that is unexplainable, something like a miracle?

Bishop of London to step down after more than 20 years at the helm
Bishop of London to step down after more than 20 years at the helm

The Bishop of London Richard Chartres has announced that he is to retire next year, after a long and distinguished career at the heart of the Church of England and the British establishment.

Paul Harcourt: It\'s been a difficult season for New Wine, but we\'ve come out strong
Paul Harcourt: It's been a difficult season for New Wine, but we've come out strong

Paul Harcourt is taking on the lead role at New Wine after a turbulent few months for the charismatic evangelical network of churches.

Scottish priest who embezzled £100,000 wants Pope to release him from priesthood
Scottish priest who embezzled £100,000 wants Pope to release him from priesthood

A Scottish Catholic priest serving a ten month jail sentence for embezzling £100,000 of church funds to fund an alleged gambling problem has apparently asked that Pope Francis allow him to quit the clergy

Catholic faith shows steep decline in Germany, with over 180,000 leaving church in 2015
Catholic faith shows steep decline in Germany, with over 180,000 leaving church in 2015

The numbers are alarming, but the bishops' conference in Germany insists that the Catholic Church in the most populous member of the European Union remains "a strong force, whose message is heard and accepted."

US archbishops support bill protecting religious freedom of those who disagree with same-sex unions
US archbishops support bill protecting religious freedom of those who disagree with same-sex unions

Archbishop Salvatore J. Cordileone of San Francisco and Archbishop William E. Lori of Baltimore came out with a joint statement last week supporting the First Amendment Defense Act (FADA).

Reclaiming evangelism: Why Christians need to recover their passion for Christ
Reclaiming evangelism: Why Christians need to recover their passion for Christ

Because the Church repurposed the word 'evangel' to refer specifically to the greatest news ever told, the term evangelism was adopted by the Church and became an in-house Christian word. But not any more.

Multiple healings, salvations amid revival fires in America: \'God is forgiving our sin and healing our land\'
Multiple healings, salvations amid revival fires in America: 'God is forgiving our sin and healing our land'

Amid the endless stream of tragedies happening all over the world, bright rays of hope are emerging from the darkened sky.

Francis Chan tells Christians at \'Together 2016\': Shun popularity, stand together with Jesus as \'rejects\'
Francis Chan tells Christians at 'Together 2016': Shun popularity, stand together with Jesus as 'rejects'

Braving the blistering heat of the sun, thousands of Christians gathered at the National Mall in Washington D.C. on Saturday to seek inspiration, guidance, courage and strength from a bevy of Christian speakers at a time when they needed them the most.

Germany: Steep decline in Catholic church attendance
Germany: Steep decline in Catholic church attendance

Almost 200,000 Catholics left the Church in Germany last year, according to figures which show an ongoing, steady decline in church attendance in that country

British man prosecuted after confronting priest who abused him as a boy
British man prosecuted after confronting priest who abused him as a boy

Mark Murray sought out his abuser, Fr Romano Nardo, at the Comboni order's Verona headquarters last April with a view to confronting and forgiving him.

New national leader of New Wine appointed
New national leader of New Wine appointed

Paul Harcourt will take up the position on October 1.

Deep divisions over homosexuality as UMC elects first openly gay bishop
Deep divisions over homosexuality as UMC elects first openly gay bishop

The first openly lesbian bishop has been consecrated in the United Methodist Church (UMC), despite the denomination technically forbidding the ordination of "self-avowed practising gay people".

Lawyer calls for police to investigate former Archbishop over sex abuse bishop
Lawyer calls for police to investigate former Archbishop over sex abuse bishop

A lawyer is calling for Lord Carey to be investigated following the release of files by police under a freedom of information request

Former monk, 90, building cathedral in Spain by hand since 1963 with little help and no prior experience
Former monk, 90, building cathedral in Spain by hand since 1963 with little help and no prior experience

"I do it for faith." Those five words sum up the motivation of this 90-year-old man who for more than half a century has been building a huge cathedral on the outskirts of Madrid, Spain mostly by his own hands.

Yes, Jesus had a bride — but it's the Church, not earthly woman as claimed, says Ken Ham

Although nowhere in the Scripture does it say that "Jesus was not married," none of the Gospel writers – Matthew, Mark, Luke and John – mentioned that Jesus had a wife.