
'Spotlight' priest hangs himself in jail after fresh paedophilia allegations
Father Bonifacio Buzzi, 57, was found dead in his prison cell in Minas Gerais, in the north of Brazil, the state government said in a statement.

Kosovo: British former priest accused of abuse should not be extradited - court
A British former Catholic priest wanted on child sex abuse charges from the 1970s and 1980s should not be extradited to the UK because the crimes were committed too long ago, a court in Kosovo ruled on Monday.

Could the decline in Christianity be coming to a halt?
The decline of Christianity in Britain could be coming to a halt, temporarily at least, according to new figures from this year's British Social Attitudes Survey (BSA)

Church seeks help for people being traded as slaves at sea
One modern way that our fellow human beings are turned into slaves is through human trafficking, which often leads to slavery at sea. This transnational crime was the subject of a meeting organised in Rome by the United States Embassy to the Holy See, in cooperation with the U.S. Conference of Bishops.

U.S. scholar feels like she won an Oscar after being chosen to study possibility of female Catholic deacons
A female scholar from the United States will be part of the commission formed by the Vatican under the instructions of Pope Francis tasked to answer this question, which can possibly change the course of history of the Church.

Swedish church to use drones to drop thousands of Bibles in ISIS-controlled Iraq
A major evangelical free church in Sweden is preparing to use drones to drop thousands of Bibles into areas of Iraq controlled by Islamic State

How does our use of money affect our hearts?
Instead of operating on a principle of giving a part of our income, possessions and wealth to God and then doing as we please with the rest, Jesus is challenging us to do something far more radical. He's suggesting we give it all to God.

GAFCON head: Primates meeting failed, leadership weak on gay marriage
The General Secretary of the conservative Anglican group GAFCON has dismissed January's Primates meeting as pointless and a failure

You don't need to be a 'demon expert' to cast out demons, says healing evangelist
Do Christians have the power to cast out demons from enslaved souls? The answer is a resounding "yes" as far as healing evangelist David Diga Hernandez is concerned.

Nigeria: Four women hospitalised in riot at Anglican church as synod begins
Five people are in hospital, two in a serious condition after clashes between soldiers and protesters at an Anglican church in Nigeria where a synod meeting has been overshadowed by calls for a local bishop to resign over "financial recklessness"

The most crucial factor in growing your church? ATTITUDE
How to grow a church is one of the major questions facing Christian leaders today. New research suggests that it isn't primarily a question of theology or style, but instead it's about having an attitude of growth.

Duress suspected as Egyptian Christian convert reverts to Islam
Human rights campaigners suspect Hegazy made the statement because he could not face indefinite imprisonment.

Keswick Unconventional: Glorifying God through his gifts
Keswick Unconventional is "an opportunity to come along and explore the Christian faith via the arts in the form of concerts, drama, story-telling, film and much more".

Billy Graham provides classic answer to timeless question raised by 6-year-old boy: 'Where did God come from?'
"Where did God come from?" A six-year-old boy has been asking this question to his father who admitted that he could not answer such a question. The father then relayed the question to Rev. Billy Graham through his syndicated column in the Kansas City Star.

Pastor dies of malnutrition while trying to emulate Jesus' fasting for 40 days and 40 nights in the wilderness
A 44-year-old pastor in South Africa tried to emulate Jesus Christ who fasted in the wilderness for 40 days and 40 nights to prepare for His ministry as written in the gospels of Luke, Mark and Matthew.

The Great Banquet: What is Jesus telling us in this famous parable?
Jesus tells the story in response to a challenge to offer His thoughts on the great banquet at the end of time â the coming kingdom.