
Church organist arrested for 'Heil Trump' graffiti on his own church

A church organist has been arrested for graffiting 'Heil Trump' on the walls of an episcopal church in Indiana days after the presidential election last year.

Archbishop of Canterbury in last minute visit to Gaza

The Archbishop of Canterbury made a last minute visit to Gaza on Thursday as part of his official trip to the Holy Land.

Hank Hanegraaff has health problems but is in a 'peaceful place'

The US evangelical Christian radio personality who made headlines by his conversion to Eastern Orthodoxy has spoken of the 'turbulent' few weeks since his announcement and said he has been diagnosed with health issues.

Orthodox bishop calls on Turkey's President Erdogan to convert – with Vladimir Putin as his godfather

A Greek Orthodox bishop has called on Turkey's President Erdogan to repent and convert to Orthodoxy, with Russia's President Vladimir Putin as his godfather.

1.5 million Christians have fled Iraq in an exodus that could lead to the extinction of the faith in the land

As many as 1.5 million Christians have fled Iraq since the rise of Islamic State, according to an Iraqi MP.

'The most beautiful things in life are to be lived': 9 quotes from Christian Søren Kierkegaard

The enigmatic, iconic theologian Søren Kierkegaard was born on this day. He was a divisive thinker who challenged the nominal Christianity of his day with the power of a radical, life-changing gospel.

'My identity is in Jesus Christ.' The Archbishop of Canterbury talks to Krish Kandiah

It didn't matter that there was no mitre, no bishop's crook. Here was a man dressed in the humility of Jesus, who found his identity in Christ not in his clothes, his DNA or his position. All of the Spring Harvest guests left the venue that day a little closer to God.

Young evangelicals more liberal than parents on gay rights, remain conservative on abortion

An influential religious research group says young evangelicals have more liberal opinions than their parents' generation on some social issues – but remain conservative on others.

Jerry Falwell 'divides American Christians on racial lines' says Sojourners' Jim Wallis

Jim Wallis, celebrated evangelical author and speaker, has turned on Jerry Falwell Jr accusing him of preaching a false gospel.

Why God's sovereignty does not make him responsible for tragedy

Things happen to us that we don't understand and can't control. We look for someone to blame. If it's God, or the gods, it's somehow more bearable.

New Bishop of Sodor and Man announced as 'focus of unity' for Church

Downing Street has announced the new Bishop of Sodor and Man as the Ven Peter Eagles, currently archdeacon for the army.

John Piper's message about hell to six-year-olds is dangerous – and perhaps even abusive

John Piper suggests that talking with an anxious six year-old about hell is a 'golden opportunity'. A wonderful chance to reach into those fears and anxieties to point to the great darkness behind them, and then to illustrate the contrast with God's offer of eternal life with him.

WATCH: Christians in Iraq dance to celebrate starting to rebuild Qaraqosh

Christians in Iraq are celebrating the rebuilding of Qaraqosh with music and dancing as Iraqis return to the town previously devastated by ISIS' occupation.

Paedophile priest escapes jail after posting fantasy stories about child sex through neighbours' letterboxes

A paedophile vicar who posted explicit handwritten fantasy stories about child sex through neighbours letterboxes has been spared a jail sentence.

Right-wing 'anti-intellectual bigotry' puts scholarly study of Bible at risk, warns professor

A biblical studies teacher at a prestigious US university has warned teachers in his field are still subject to charges of 'treason and heresy' even in the 21st century.