
Justin Welby is a heretic, say breakaway conservative Anglicans

Justin Welby is a heretic and a 'wolf in sheep's clothing', according to the conservative Church responsible for consecrating a breakaway bishop in Newcastle outside the authority of the Church of England.

'Refuse to be average': 14 quotes from AW Tozer on life with God

The famous Christian writer and preacher AW Tozer died on this day in 1963. His writings still offer a pastoral yet provocative word to the Church today.

Rick Joyner thinks new mega-prophets will soon predict sports scores. Is it possible?

This month, pastor and prophetic teacher Rick Joyner suggested that the world is about to see a new wave of mega-prophets, able to see directly into the near future and correctly predict it.

Why now? The deeply strange timing of the renegade conservative Anglicans

There are deep problems, yes, but under Justin Welby there is a sense of tremendous excitement. Churches are being planted, lives are being changed and the Gospel is being preached.

Pope travels to Portugal to canonise two children of Fatima who saw visions of the Virgin Mary

Pope Francis has sent a special video message to the people of Portugal as he prepares to travel to Fatima to canonise on Saturday two of the three children who saw six visions of a woman dressed in white, believed to have been the Virgin Mary.

Is it time to abandon the dream of Christian unity?

One way to deal with the present crisis would be to think outside the disintegrating box of ecclesiastical unity and embrace a more generous concept of unity in the figure of Christ.

Franklin Graham laments global 'Christian genocide', claims 100,000 are killed annually for their faith

Franklin Graham has called Christians to stand against the global 'Christian genocide', saying that 100,000 believers are killed every year for their faith.

'Joy is the simplest form of gratitude': 12 quotes from legendary theologian Karl Barth

Today is the birthday of Karl Barth, a Swiss pastor, enigmatic thinker, and arguably the greatest theologian of the 20th century.

Vatican unites science and faith in cosmology conference celebrating the Big Bang and beyond

The Vatican is gathering the world's top scientists and cosmologists in an effort to better understand the mysteries of the universe. The move may surprise some who have traditionally seen the Church and science at odds.

Blueprint for Church schism revealed as conservative Christian leaders plot separate Anglican structure

A blueprint for Church schism seen by Christian Today reveals extensive plans by conservative evangelicals to form a rival Anglican system to the Church of England in the UK over concerns about teachings on homosexuality.

Methodist minister denies assault of 4 boys after attempting to hypnotise them

Teeside Crown Court heard that John Price told his victims he was using hypnosis to help them relax.

No parole for Heather Cook, bishop who killed cyclist while driving drunk

The former Episcopal Church bishop who ran over and killed a cyclist in 2014 when she was drunk has been denied parole by the Maryland Parole Commission.

Most US Christians don't have a 'biblical worldview', research claims

In a study conducted with Summit Ministries, Barna found 'strong agreement with ideas unique to nonbiblical worldviews among practising Christians'.

'Evangelicalism' is toxic. It's time to kill off the brand

Today, the broad and generous evangelicalism that saw the foundation of the Evangelical Alliance in 1846 across denominational lines, when such collaboration was far less common, is struggling for air.

Pope Francis dances with Hasidic Jews at the Vatican

Pope Francis danced with a group of Hasidic Jews on Monday as he hosted a delegation at the Vatican.