Staff writer
March for Life UK calls for change to protect the unborn
Dr Martin Luther King's niece Alveda King and crossbench peer Lord Alton were among the speakers at the March for Life UK 2020, which was held online over the weekend due to coronavirus concerns.
Government U-turn on gender self-identification welcomed by campaign groups
News that Boris Johnson is planning to scrap changes to gender recognition laws has been welcomed by campaigners.
Calls for an end to tax avoidance as most Brits say it's morally wrong
There have been calls to end tax avoidance after a survey of over a thousand UK adults found that most believe it to be morally wrong.
Boris Johnson to scrap gender self-identification plans
The Prime Minister is preparing to drop proposed changes to the law that would make it easier for people to change their legal gender, it has been reported.
Bishop on trial for refusing to permit same-sex marriages
A bishop in the US Episcopal Church was on trial this week after banning gay marriage ceremonies in his diocese.
Churches in England open again for individual prayer
The latest guidance from the Government, released on Friday, permits individuals or members of the same household to enter into a church to pray on their own.
Aid package to support Brazil church communities crippled by Covid-19
An emergency aid package has been made available by Aid to the Church in Need for parishes in Brazil as the country grapples with the second worst coronavirus outbreak in the world.
Church minister sees reduction in rough sleeping during Covid-19
A Church of Scotland minister says a reduction in rough sleeping in Edinburgh since the start of Covid-19 has been one of the "unexpected benefits" of the crisis.
Church leaders oppose Israel's annexation of the West Bank
The heads of the Church of England and Catholic Church in England and Wales have expressed their opposition to the annexation of West Bank territory by Israel.
Racism on the agenda for most UK churches, survey finds
In the poll of nearly 500 Premier listeners, three quarters (74%) said their church had mentioned the issue since the death of unarmed black man George Floyd last month.
Abortions in England and Wales reach record high
New Government figures reveal that abortions in England and Wales have reached an all time high, with thousands of pregnancies terminated last year on the grounds of disability alone.
Churches experience surge in interest during Covid-19 - study
Churches across the UK have experienced a surge in interest following the outbreak of coronavirus, new research from the Evangelical Alliance has found.