Staff writer
Bishops in Turkey say they cannot intervene over plans to convert Hagia Sophia into mosque
Turkey's Catholic bishops are refusing to contest plans to convert the landmark Hagia Sophia cathedral into a mosque.
JK Rowling's agency refuses to bow to pressure over her stand on transgender rights
JK Rowling's agency has refused demands to issue a public statement in support of transgenderism after recent comments on the issue by the Harry Potter author.
Hundreds of faith leaders call on Prime Minister to grant child refugees sanctuary in the UK
The open letter has been organised by the Safe Passage campaign and has been signed by 250 faith leaders, including several Church of England bishops and church leaders from the Salvation Army, Scottish Episcopal Church, Methodist Church and Baptist Union.
Government ditches plans to relax Sunday trading hours after Tory backbenchers revolt
The Government has abandoned plans to extend Sunday trading hours after a revolt by dozens of Tory backbenchers.
Cornwall pastor launches drive-in church service after council U-turn
A drive-in church service that was nearly cancelled because of objections from the local council's health and safety team has gone ahead in Cornwall.
Lessons on racism must be learnt from history, says bishop on Windrush Day
A senior Catholic leader has called for prayer and reflection over Britain's treatment of migrant and ethnic minority communities.
Leeds Libraries cancels Drag Queen Story Hour after complaints
Leeds Libraries has cancelled a Drag Queen Story Hour for children on its Facebook page after complaints.
Transgender ideology is having a 'corrosive impact' on society
A new book from the Civitas think tank is calling on the UK and Scottish Governments to impose a moratorium on all plans to reform gender recognition laws.
Suffering of Windrush generation remembered in Church's 2-minute silence
Bishops and clergy in the Church of England have observed a two-minute silence to "lament" the suffering of the Windrush generation and reflect on wider issues of racism in society.
Church of England holds minute's silence to remember victims of racism
The Church of England observed a minute's silence during its national online service on Sunday as an act of lamentation over the racism experienced by the Windrush generation and other black and minority ethnic people in the Church and nation.
Prayers after three killed in Reading stabbing; Attack being treating as terror-related
The Bishop of Reading has spoken of her sadness over the death of three people in a stabbing attack in Reading on Saturday night.
Black trainee vicar rejected from curacy post critical of apology
A black trainee vicar rejected from a curacy post because the congregation was "monochrome white working class" has criticised an apology from the Bishop and Diocese of St Alban's.