Shannon Azares

\'Bond 25\' rumors: Paul McGuigan to direct new James Bond film and Daniel Craig to be replaced?
'Bond 25' rumors: Paul McGuigan to direct new James Bond film and Daniel Craig to be replaced?

The rumor mill is circulating with a lot of gossip about the newest James Bond installment, temporarily known as "Bond 25."

Xiaomi Mi Note 3 release date and spec rumors: What to expect
Xiaomi Mi Note 3 release date and spec rumors: What to expect

Xiaomi was expected to release a phablet right after Mi6, reports say that the plan may have been scrapped in favor of developing focusing their energy on the Mi Note 3.

\'Reign\' season finale spoilers: Mary to be beheaded?
'Reign' season finale spoilers: Mary to be beheaded?

With the series' season finale in sight, the fourth season of "Reign" is becoming increasingly dramatic and thrilling. Entitled "Dead of the Night," episode 11 is expected to be a major turning point for the series' plot.

Total solar eclipse August 2017 news: Everything to know about where, when and how
Total solar eclipse August 2017 news: Everything to know about where, when and how

One of the most anticipated events this year is the first total solar eclipse that the U.S. will experience from coast to coast. Nature's spectacle is not expected occur again until 2024.

Kentucky Derby 2017 news: Odds, favorites, draws, and where to watch
Kentucky Derby 2017 news: Odds, favorites, draws, and where to watch

Known as The Greatest Two Minutes in Sports, the annual Kentucky Derby is being anticipated with much excitement and thrill. This year's favorite is Always Dreaming with odds of 4-1.