Shannon Azares

\'Harry Potter\' prequel news, updates: Handwritten story featuring Sirius Black and James Potter stolen, police asks fans for help
'Harry Potter' prequel news, updates: Handwritten story featuring Sirius Black and James Potter stolen, police asks fans for help

"Harry Potter" fans all around the world found themselves in an alarming situation after a recent British robbery. The incident ended with a rare and valuable "Harry Potter" prequel stolen and the police are reaching out for the fans' help in reclaiming J.K. Rowling's creation.

BlackBerry KEYone specs news: awesome specs may not be enough to reap big sales
BlackBerry KEYone specs news: awesome specs may not be enough to reap big sales

BlackBerry in partnership with TCL is planning to release as many as three phones this year. One of those phones is named as the BlackBerry KEYone.

\'Jessica Jones\' season 2 release date news, spoilers: Jessica back to save NYC from two new characters?
'Jessica Jones' season 2 release date news, spoilers: Jessica back to save NYC from two new characters?

The whiskey-loving, superhuman detective is back for the second season of the Netflix original series, "Jessica Jones." In a recent Tumblr post, the set photos gave a brief sneak peek of the set featuring Krysten Ritter in the iconic leather jacket of Jessica and her fashionista radio host best friend, Trish (Rachael Walker).

Tad Cummins and Elizabeth Thomas\' escape detailed in hearing
Tad Cummins and Elizabeth Thomas' escape detailed in hearing

Details of the long and hard struggle invovling a missing teenager in Tennessee were revealed during the two-hour-long hearing of the accused, Tad Cummins, who allegedly manipulated and brainwashed 15-year-old Elizabeth Thomas. The pair were on the run for 38 days before a tipper recognized them and reported their location to local authorities.

\'Akatsuki no Yona\' season 2 release date news: Zeno\'s backstory revealed in OVA
'Akatsuki no Yona' season 2 release date news: Zeno's backstory revealed in OVA

Following the success of its first season, "Akatsuki no Yona" has fans waiting for any word on the anticipated second season. Although the production has yet to announce if it's even in the making as of today, fans are hoping that Princess Yona's story won't end in such a cliffhanger like it did in the anime.

When is Father\'s Day 2017 in USA?
When is Father's Day 2017 in USA?

Every year, aside from having to face the continuously changing political climate and the seemingly worsening standards of living and quality of life, humans all over the world spend at least two days honoring their parents.

\'Code Geass\' season 3 to see return of Lelouch?
'Code Geass' season 3 to see return of Lelouch?

Many speculated on the reasoning behind the creative team's decision to revive the critically-acclaimed anime and Johnny Young Bosch, who was the voice behind Lelouch in the English dub version of the series, had a few words to say about it.

\'Boku no Hero Academia\' chapter 137 spoilers: Mirio to die?
'Boku no Hero Academia' chapter 137 spoilers: Mirio to die?

"Boku no Hero Academia" has just released a new chapter for its manga series and the events are starting to unravel as the aspiring heroes begin to march toward their mission to save Eri.

\'Wonder Woman\' release date news: Film gets a warm response from critics
'Wonder Woman' release date news: Film gets a warm response from critics

Advertised with almost nothing but a trailer, Warner Bros. Pictures looks like they lucked out on the recent screening of "Wonder Woman." Although many fans were excited if only to see Gal Gadot on a huge screen, fans are raving on social media about the success of the film.

\'Star Wars: The Last Jedi\' release date, spoilers: R2-D2 to be reunited with Luke Skywalker?
'Star Wars: The Last Jedi' release date, spoilers: R2-D2 to be reunited with Luke Skywalker?

"Star Wars: The Last Jedi" follows the events of the first sequel titled, "The Force Awakens." With a lot left of to explain about why Luke chose to retreat instead of stay to make his mistakes right, fans are afraid that he might not even make it to the central part of the story.

NASA news: Research speculates humans could have originally come from Mars
NASA news: Research speculates humans could have originally come from Mars

In the recent data set taken from the one-ton rover Curiosity, some discoveries indicate that there could have been life on Mars — or that humans on Earth are actually Martians.

\'Game of Thrones\' season 7 spoilers, news: Cersei and Daenerys to face off?
'Game of Thrones' season 7 spoilers, news: Cersei and Daenerys to face off?

With season 6 ending with Cersei (Lena Headey) destroying the Sept of Baelor by wildfire and Daenerys (Emilia Clarke) getting ready to sail to Westeros with her army and dragons, "Game of Thrones" season 7 is sure to pack a lot of action and reveals to keep the fans latching on to the edge of their seats.

\'Alien: Covenant\' release date news, spoilers: Film underwhelming compared to \'Prometheus\'
'Alien: Covenant' release date news, spoilers: Film underwhelming compared to 'Prometheus'

Producer of "Prometheus" Ridley Scott brings into theaters a movie that opened in 34 international markets and garnered an impressive profit within its first few days. "Alien: Covenant" is a sequel to 2012's "Prometheus" and the first of three possible prequels for Scott's 1979 film "Alien."

\'Spider-Man: Homecoming\' release date news, spoilers: Zendaya to play Michelle; Peter Parker to face off with Vulture
'Spider-Man: Homecoming' release date news, spoilers: Zendaya to play Michelle; Peter Parker to face off with Vulture

Everyone's friendly neighborhood Spider-Man is back for a sixth live-action film set for this year, titled "Spider-Man: Homecoming." Directed by Jon Watts, the film will feature the superhero (Tom Holland) struggling to balance his life as a normal high school teenager and an extraordinary web-wielding superhero.

\'Arrested Development\' season 5 news, updates: Jason Bateman closes deal for 17-episode season
'Arrested Development' season 5 news, updates: Jason Bateman closes deal for 17-episode season

After a long and hard struggle to establish itself in the world of entertainment, the Netflix original series "Arrested Development" is finally coming back for another season. Critically acclaimed for its humor and plot, season 5 of "Arrested Development" is reportedly in the making.

SpaceX Falcon 9 news, updates: When and where to watch rocket launch
SpaceX Falcon 9 news, updates: When and where to watch rocket launch

Elon Musk's SpaceX is continuing its launch after launch with the Falcon 9's blastoff set for early Monday evening, May 15. The rocket's launch follows the critical static hot-fire test that was successfully completed last May 11. If the upcoming event is successful, SpaceX can make a recovery in the eyes of its critics.