Ruth Gledhill
Cathedral attendance falls for first time in 7 years
The number of people attending cathedral services each week has fallen for the first time in seven years, new figures show.
Senior lawyers launch devastating critique on church law reform plans
Senior church lawyers have issued a devastating critique of plans to reform established Church law by a radical process of deregulation.
Billy Graham's grandson Tullian Tchividjian deposed from ministry
Billy Graham's grandson has been deposed from ministry by his Florida mega church after both he and his wife admitted to extra-marital affairs.
Christian vloggers Sam and Nia accused of faking pregnancy and miscarriage say haters are 'blessing'
For weeks, controversies about planned parenthood, marriage and sexuality have dominated debate around family life in the United States.
Catholic Church must make 'unequivocal' apology to abuse survivors - report
The Catholic Church must make an "unmistakable and unequivocal" public apology to all survivors of abuse within the Church, a report says today.
Kidnapped Syrian priest released but others still missing
A priest kidnapped in Syria a month ago has been released but others are still missing.
Hong Kong bishop urges end to cross removal campaign
A senior prelate of the Chinese Catholic church has called for prayer and fasting in support of the Christians of Zhejiang province where more than a thousand crosses and buildings have been removed or demolished.
Church of England 'on the margins of extinction', analyst claims
The turn of the next century will witness the extinction of the Church of England, according to new analysis of churchgoing trends.
Lord Carey: Assisted dying would be 'profoundly Christian and moral'
A former Archbishop of Canterbury has spoken out again in favour of assisted dying.
Anglican preacher quits CofE over gay marriage
A gifted lay Anglican is to quit the Church of England after being told he can no longer carry on as a licensed reader if he marries his partner next month.
The CofE needs a fresh start to reconcile its differences
Sir Philip Mawyer, the ombudsman-styled independent reviewer in the Church of England tasked with resolving disputes over the introduction of women bishops to bring about "mutual flourishing", has in the last few days published his first two reports.
Rabbis back crowdfunding project to restore destroyed church
The "loaves and fishes" church in Tabgha on the Sea of Galilee is to be rebuilt in a crowdfunding project backed by rabbis across Israel.