Ruth Gledhill
Give to refugee causes â but here's how to avoid being conned
The Charity Commission has issued advice warning people to take care that the people asking for money are legitimate.
Belfast pastor James McConnell says he will go to prison for free speech if necessary
McConnell said: "I will stand firm for the gospel. I will not relent one inch."
Kim Davis jailing splits American presidential candidates
Kim Davis, Rowan county clerk in Kentucky, was jailed this week for dereliction of duty because she refused to issue same-sex marriage licences.
Outrage at Cardiff ban on photos of Arab-Jewish football match
Jewish leaders described the Cardiff City Council boycott as an "own goal".
Archaeologists discover Jewish victims of Portuguese Inquisition
The skeletons of 12 Jewish victims of the Portuguese Inquisition have been uncovered by archaeologists excavating in Ãvora, Portugal.
Church of England raises £100 million for clergy retirement homes
A charitable fund within the Church of England pensions board this week raised £70 million of bonds to pay for clergy retirement houses.
The surprising beliefs of US Catholics
Large majorities of Catholics in the United States believe the "new" forms of family life such as single or gay and lesbian parenting are acceptable.
Kentucky clerk could face jail for refusing same-sex marriage licences
A 49-year-old county clerk in Kentucky could face jail for refusing to issue marriage licences to same-sex couples because of her Christian beliefs.
Pope Francis will allow all priests to forgive abortion during Holy Year
Pope Francis has declared that all priests can "absolve" women who have had an abortion if they confess and repent during the coming "Year of Jubilee".
Christian schools in Israel shut over funding row
Thousands of Christian and Muslim pupils in Israel missed the start of the academic year today as the crisis over Christian education deepened.
Pope Francis: 'There are more martyrs now than in the first centuries'
The Pope has pleaded once again for intervention to put an end to the persecution of Christians in the Middle East.
Pakistan: Christian man shot dead by Muslim in-laws
The family of a Christian man who was shot dead by his Muslim in-laws is now being threatened also. The couple's lawyer is also receiving threats.