The Democratic Forces of Syria: YPG joins new military alliance
A Kurdish militia that has been backed by U.S.-led air strikes in Syria has joined a new military alliance that includes Arab groups, a statement released overnight said.
Tamir Rice: Police who killed 12-year-old carrying toy gun acted 'reasonably'
Two outside experts have concluded a Cleveland police officer's fatal shooting of a 12-year-old boy who was carrying a toy gun was a reasonable response to a perceived threat, according to reports released by an Ohio prosecutor's office on Saturday.
Jerusalem: Palestinian shot dead by Israeli police
Israeli police shot dead a man who tried to stab one of them in East Jerusalem today in what appeared to be the latest in a spate of Palestinian street attacks, police said.
Amish girl's cancer court battle ends
Judge formally ends hospital's attempt to give her chemotherapy - parents say God will triumph
4 Israelis and 22 Palestinians have died in under 2 weeks in violent upsurge
Latest incident sees Palestinian woman and child killed in Gaza
NATO soldiers targated by Taliban in Afghan suicide attack
Bombing breaks a period of relative calm in Kabul after a series of bombings in August
Violence continues in Jerusalem, Israel & West Bank
Tensions have surged in 11 days of violence in which four Israelis and 16 Palestinians have been killed
Blasts rip through Turkish capital Ankara
At least 86 killed - attacks came in the build up to a march
Republicans in chaos after favourite quits House leadership race
Kevin McCarthy's announcement heightened concerns about the party's ability to govern effectively.
Businesses, MPs launch 'Vote Leave' campaign to push for Britain to exit EU
The campaign aims to persuade Britons to vote to leave the bloc at a forthcoming referendum.
Fresh Russian airstrikes back Syrian government offensive against rebels
The Syrian government has extended an offensive to recapture territory in the west of the country.
Italian former missionary priest kidnapped in Philippines
An Italian man, who was a former missionary priest, has been abducted by armed men from his restaurant in the southern Philippines, security officials said on Thursday.