Pope Francis proclaims new saints, calls for humble Church leadership
Pope Francis, proclaiming four new Catholic saints who lived simple and generous lives, told priests and bishops on Sunday that service, and not careerism, was the way to exercise authority in the Church.
Asylum seeker's rape claims overshadow Australia's bid for UN rights body
Australia's hardline immigration policies overshadowed the launch of its bid to join the UN Human Rights Council on Monday
UK to block teenagers' passports to stop them joining militants
British parents worried that their 16 and 17-year-old children might travel to Syria or Iraq under the influence of militants will be able to apply to have their passports removed, Prime Minister David Cameron will say on Monday.
Merkel heads to Turkey to ask for help with refugee crisis
German Chancellor Angela Merkel travels to Istanbul on Sunday desperate to secure Turkey's help in stemming the flow of refugees from the Middle East to Europe, but without being seen to sacrifice their human rights.
Pope says Church needs more decentralisation, changes to papacy
Pope Francis called on Saturday for "healthy decentralisation" of power in the Roman Catholic Church, including changes in the papacy and greater decision-making authority for local bishops.
Syria: Army retakes territory around Aleppo
Syrian troops backed by Hezbollah and Iranian fighters made advances on Saturday in their offensive to retake territory around the northern city of Aleppo from insurgents and jihadist fighters, a monitoring group said.
Three Palestinians shot dead today as violence escalates in Israel
Three Palestinians were shot dead on Saturday in what Israel said were thwarted knife attacks, but a Palestinian witness of one incident said it was a result of Jewish settler violence, as tensions ran high after more than two weeks of unrest.
Obama: There is 'no meeting of minds' with Putin over Syria
President Barack Obama said on Friday the only area of U.S. understanding with Russia on Syria was on how to prevent accidental clashes between their planes engaged in the conflict, but they differed on principles and strategies to bring peace.
Hungary shuts border to refugee to preserve "Christian values"
A first bus full of migrants arrived at a Slovenian border crossing with Croatia on Saturday, the Slovenian police said, after Hungary shut its border with Croatia late on Friday, diverting them towards Slovenia.
Israel: Two Palestinians dead shot dead
Two Palestinians were shot dead today when they tried to stab Israelis in separate attacks in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem, gripped by the worst street violence in years.
Calais: 3,500 refugees fear sickness and death as temperatures drop
Refugees camped on France's north coast continued their bids to reach Britain on Thursday as the first autumn winds blew into their sprawl of tents and shanties and EU leaders arrived in Brussels.
UN Security Council to meet on Israeli-Palestinian violence
The United Nations Security Council will hold a special meeting on Friday to discuss the recent spate of violence between Israeland the Palestinians in which 39 people have been killed over the past two weeks.