Patrick Mabilog

  • 7 scriptures on how to battle jealousy and discontentment

    7 scriptures on how to battle jealousy and discontentment

    Jealousy is the feeling of desiring something that one doesn't have and is a form of idolatry that can be easily forgotten. The best way to guard our hearts of jealousy is to steer clear of discontentment.

  • 5 things to avoid when counselling people

    5 things to avoid when counselling people

    Biblical counselling can be a daunting task for church leadership because of many reasons. That's why it's important in any counselling situation to partner with the Holy Spirit and remain sensitive.

  • I\'m broken and unqualified, can I still lead?

    I'm broken and unqualified, can I still lead?

    God's original idea for every person is to be a leader in one area of life or another. We were all meant to be leaders, but what happens when we aren't cut out to be leaders? What about the person who doesn't meet the qualifications to be a leader?

  • How can I overcome pessimistic thoughts?

    How can I overcome pessimistic thoughts?

    Many times in our lives, our negative thoughts can overtake our plans and desires. As a result, we as believers become limited in our capability to do greater things for God's glory.

  • 5 ways we misjudge our pastor\'s job roles

    5 ways we misjudge our pastor's job roles

    Church senior leadership is probably one of the most misunderstood professions there are today. Here are 5 of some of the most common misunderstandings of a pastor's job.

  • The one motivation to being a blessing to the poor

    The one motivation to being a blessing to the poor

    One of the most remarkable things about the early church was the absence of poor people within the community. What was it that drove them to such compassion for the poor and how can we apply that same passion in our lives?

  • Is water baptism a requirement to salvation?

    Is water baptism a requirement to salvation?

    The Bible tells us that there is only one way to have eternal life, and that is through Jesus Christ. Does that mean that all other Christian duties such as communion, going to church and water baptism are useless?

  • 5 ways church leaders offend their members

    5 ways church leaders offend their members

    God meant for His house to be a place of trust and deep relationships, and without God's grace, leaders can mess these relationships up completely.

  • 5 things to never say to a rebellious child

    5 things to never say to a rebellious child

    Rebellious children can be a great challenge for Christian parents and a great one for that matter. How do we handle rebellious children in a way God would want us to?

  • If God is just, why is my cheating co-worker getting rich?

    If God is just, why is my cheating co-worker getting rich?

    Truth be told, there are a lot of dishonest businessmen and executives who are making a lot of money today, and that leads us to think that morals and ethics don't really add up and that sometimes honesty doesn't pay off.

  • 5 Christian movies you should watch

    Movie and film has become a powerful tool to convey messages to the general public, and some Christian filmmakers have taken their faith and converted them into video.

  • What to do with a \'thorn in the flesh\'

    What to do with a 'thorn in the flesh'

    How many times have we often been faced with a "thorn in the flesh," and all we want is to see it gone? It might have been a relationship, a personal sin struggle, or it could have been a career issue. Whatever it was, it was tough to deal with.