Patrick Mabilog
Is it wrong to date a non-Christian?
There is a strong and standing debate about whether Christians should be allowed to date someone who isn't a Christian, and it seems that both camps are equal in terms of size and points.
Should I marry the girl of my dreams?
Most people will already have some idea or another of their dream girl or dream boy even at an early age. But are we really destined to find the one?
The failure in making mistakes: How not to fail in ministry
One thing that many leaders don't know is that there is a right way to make mistakes and there is also a mistaken way of making mistakes.
How to battle distractions that remove our eyes from Jesus
Distractions are everywhere and the human attention span is diminishing, and we may not be seeing the level of danger that our distractions hold.
Dealing with Christians who battle with mental illness
So many Christians today shun the topic of mental disorders, much like they treat the topic of money and sex. It's just too awkward and sensitive to talk about, but it is still something that must be addressed in the context of the Word of God.
The one step to loving your spouse more
With Valentines coming up, the hot topic right now is romantic love. Believers who are in relationships today have probably asked themselves this question: "How can I love my partner or my spouse more?"
5 ways to help kids manage their media intake
Media of any form has grown tremendously in the past few decades, and our children now have wider access to it than ever before. How will parents today deal with the danger that is so easily available on television and in smart devices?
Why we should stop looking for perfect worship leaders
Worship leaders are often treated like local celebrities and are probed as if they were public figures. Should we really be pressuring worship leaders to be perfect?
When a 'big' ministry isn't necessarily a successful ministry
Many churches focus on becoming as big as possibly can, and though we want to see pews filled with people we don't want them to be just filled with attendees.
3 pictures of the church that break down stereotypes
It's alarming how so many misconceptions of the church exist. As a result, so many people, even Christians, will choose not to be part of a local community.
5 things that should fill up a pastor's schedule
Every full-time vocational minister has had problems in avoiding erratic schedules at one point or another. Here are 5 things that should always be in that schedule.
When we surrender to God, we win in life
The word surrender is taken to mean "to accept defeat," and it can be confusing for believers to see how we win when we surrender.