Patrick Mabilog
Office talk: How do I respond to my ungodly boss?
Every employee hopes and prays to be assigned under a good boss or manager at work, but reality is that not everyone will have good and Godly bosses.
Church dress code: Why we should stop scrutinizing newcomers
In our church communities, there will always be a group of people who will make a fuss about the tiniest things. The pastor's diction, the worship leader's grocery list, and the newcomer's choice of clothing.
When God remains silent
Do you sometimes feel distant from God? We all have at some point, and it can be tempting to think that our prayers never go beyond the surface of our ceilings.
Should my church split up because of doctrine differences?
Many of Christian sects were born out of splits of one school of thought because a certain group of people that could not agree on the overall belief of the community. Are doctrine issues a valid reason for church split?
The ultimate idol we must overcome
Idols are anything that mess up our priorities and take the place that only God can occupy. It is anything that we rely on for security, satisfaction and identity.
Does God want me to be sad?
As long as we are here on this earth, trials and storms will always come our way. However, that does not mean that God wants us to suffer in sadness and sorrow for the whole of our lives. In fact, it is not God's intent for us to be sad.
Which Bible translation should I use?
Bible reading is a fundamental practice for believers, and one that should be highly prioritized. There are dozens of Bible translations existing today. So which one should we be reading?
5 celebrities you probably didn't know are Christians
It's common for celebrities to give a quick mention of God during thank you speeches at awardings and interviews, but it's another to live a life that shows their faith.
There are no shortcuts to Christ -- Count the cost
The word "disciple" comes from the Latin word "discere," which means to learn. Jesus is calling us to be His disciples.
Am I putting my hope in something that is not God's will?
Every Christian has the desire to fulfil God's will in their life, yet at some point or another, Christians will come to dead ends.
What makes the unforgivable sin unforgivable?
The Bible speaks of one sin that is beyond God's forgiveness -- the blashpheming of the Holy Spirit. What is this sin and how can I avoid it?
Christian movies that are out of context and what to do with them
Hollywood has created some beautiful, cinematic and visually stunning movies based on the Bible, but without disrespect to the directors and makers, the stories have been twisted to a point where they are no longer a Bible story per se, but an adaptation. Here are some examples of recent Bible-based films taken completely out of context.