Patrick Mabilog
How to cast out fear from our hearts
Fear is in everyone, be it the fear of rejection, fear of heights, fear of death, fear of spiders or any other form of fear. Some of these fears are harmless, but others can be crippling.
The best gift God gives us -- suffering
We don't like the idea of challenges and suffering. In fact, many of us will pray for deliverance from suffering and challenges the moment they come.
How much money should I give to the church?
We've all seen or heard someone make a comment about the church that goes something like this: "All the church wants is my money," or "We shouldn't give money to the pastor because he'll just use it to buy a new iPad."
4 Bible verses to help you fulfill your role in marriage
One thing we can conclude about these roles given is that they're next to impossible. That is why we need the grace of God.
When Jesus calms the storms in our life
If you've ever been on a boat during a storm and lived to tell the tale, you would probably come out radically changed.
What submitting to your husband really means
Biblical submission is one of the most challenging aspects. God gives this command to wives in Ephesians 5:22 where Paul says "submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord."
4 implications of church membership that build strong believers
1 Corinthians 12:27 teaches us that we are called to be a part of the body of Christ and of a local church when it says, "Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it."
4 unbiblical misconceptions about finances
The Bible talks more about money and finances than it talks about heaven and hell combined, and there's a very good reason why that is so.
What the Bible says about our hearts
What is it about the heart that makes it so important to understand, tame and align with God? Here are truths that the Word of God reveals about our hearts and how crucial it is to align our heart's desires with God.
5 things you probably didn't know about the book of Revelation
There's a high probability that most Christians today have not opened their Bibles to the book of Revelation or have read very little of it. Revelation is one of the least favorite books of the Bible because of its eschatological nature.
4 unorthodox ways to develop your kids into leaders
Every parent desires to see their kids successful and thriving, and the best way to make that happen is to develop them to lead.
How to tell the painful truth with good results
The gospel in itself is an offensive message, but too many people make it too much of a goal to hurt the lost without understanding how to turn that hurt into a call for a relationship with God.