Patrick Mabilog
Why must we view Jesus as both man and God?
The concept of seeing Jesus as both man and God can be hard to completely comprehend, but it is a non-negotiable in our faith.
4 idols that can be built in church
It's interesting to know that people in the Bible who had fallen into idolatry were not in the worst conditions when it happened. In the same way, you don't have to be out of church to have idols. We can have idols in church.
12 popular Christian names and what they mean
Names are more powerful than they appear to be. Though they may seem to be just a label, the reason why most parents give their children the names that they have is because of the meaning behind the name.
What is Easter? Bunnies, eggs and redemption: The true power behind Easter
Have you ever wondered why today's icon of Easter is usually in the form of the Easter Bunny playfully hiding eggs for kids to find?
Does God really forsake people?
Have you ever felt like your prayers don't reach God or that God is too far away for you to commune with Him? We all have at some point.
How we take the story of the prodigal son out of context
One of Jesus's more popular parables is the parable of the lost son shared in Luke 15:11-32. Sadly, so many believers have taken this story out of context or have misunderstood the true essence of it.
What does the Bible say about speaking in tongues?
One of the many ways that the in-filling of the Holy Spirit manifests in believers is through one's speaking in tongues. This experience is also probably one of the most controversial topics in the Christian church today.
When the pastor breaks a promise
It's hard to forget the times that a person shatters trust by neglecting a promise made. Everyone has experienced having a promise broken by a person or two in the past. Okay, maybe a dozen times.
Office talk: 4 principles on hard work from the Bible
Work was not made by a group of industrialists or a leader in the industry. It was made by God. God is the author of work, and He has called us to dominate, thrive and thus work hard at what we do.
4 Bible verses that teaches you to grow and manage your business
So many businessmen -- especially Christian businessmen -- miss the opportunity of learning business practices and principles from the Bible.
Are my comments blessing my pastor?
Positive feedback is crucial and important to the growth of any organization. Churches need positive feedback and criticism in the same way businesses and non-profits do.
If you want to grow in Christ, be ready to change
Every Christian desires to grow in Christ and His ways, but not everyone experiences growth or at least at the rate they would like it to happen.