Patrick Mabilog
3 foolish things God did not tell us to do to our enemies
What does it mean to "love our enemies?" Does that mean we have to build relationships and ties with them? Be generous toward them?
5 practical ways to honor God with your time
Everyone is different in many ways, but one thing that we all people have in common is that we all have 24 hours in a day, seven days in a week and 365 days in a year.
Is God racist?
One of the formal attacks made by agnostics against the Bible and God is regarding the theme of perceived racism which many anti-Christianity people think is present in the religion.
12 signs that you're becoming a pharisee
Every Christian at some point or another has fallen into a certain level of moralism. The moment you start thinking that you're not prone to "pharisee-ism" is probably the moment that you are starting to fall into the trap.
4 Christian movies to watch during Lent
If your Christian denomination does not celebrate the Lenten season, it doesn't mean we cannot take the time to reflect on the wonderful finished work of Christ.
Does time really heal all wounds?
For those who have lost loved ones to the sting of death, people may have told you that time heals all wounds. Time is a factor in the healing process, but there is so much more to that.
3 values that should never be replaced by doctrinal accuracy
Doctrine is defined as a set of beliefs held and taught by a group of people. Our doctrine is what holds us together and helps us teach, rebuke and edify one another.
Can God save me when I am already at my worst?
We probably all know how loving and powerful our God is and that He is able to save and redeem us even when we are at our worst, but just how far can God's salvation go?
Persevering through multiple failures
Can Christians today learn how to persevere beyond any trial? How can we build an active audacity to endure through failure?
How to deal with family members who have still not accepted Jesus as their saviour
Being the only saved member of your family can be hard. I have counselled and discipled many church members who have had struggles dealing with parents who have not yet accepted Jesus as their saviour and lord.
4 Bible verses we take out of context
Of all the literary pieces that have existed all across time, there is none that has received as much attack and ridicule as the Bible. And in every time that the Bible has been abused, it was taken out of context.
3 illustrations that help clarify the Trinity
How can something be three and one at the same time? Although there is no complete illustration that shows us God as the Trinity, here are some illustration that can help us understand how God can exist as three and as one.