Patrick Mabilog
10 Bible verses on the message of Easter
Easter is a celebration with a powerful message that all people need to hear. I doubt that there is even a message more powerful than the Easter message, and it has nothing to do with barbecues and egg hunts.
What does it mean for husbands to be the heads of their wives?
It's been overemphasized how husbands are called by God to be the leaders of the household. In fact, it's been said so many times that husbands are starting to get cocky and wives are getting sick of it.
4 ways to ruin a worship experience
One of the many reasons why God designed the concept of the church community is for people to experience the blessing and respond to the call that is corporate worship.
6 ways to help your kids grow in a church community
How can we as parents get our children involved in the church community and in turn help them grow in honoring God by loving others?
What is the worst sin?
Every commandment after the first is simply an example of the first, which is about idolatry. To have other gods before the true God is the worst sin, in a sense, because it is the only sin that is expressed in scripture.
Now that God has saved me, what do I do?
How do we respond to God redeeming us from our sins and transgressions? Do we sit back and relax in the convenience of finally being free from eternal damnation and being assured of life eternal?
Why faith without works is dead
What does it mean when one says, "faith without works is dead?" Why is it important to always look for good works when living a life of faith?
Should Christians forgive and forget?
I'm sure you're familiar with the phrase "forgive and forget." Has God really called us to completely ignore the inconvenience of offense that others have caused us?
3 benefits that God's justice gives us
Many churches today place a huge emphasis on God's love and grace, but there is very little proper and balanced emphasis on God's justice.
The line between desiring financial security and materialism
The world today revolves around the idea that the more money you have, the better off you are. But it's baffling how so many tycoons who reach the peak of economic gain find out that money is not as satisfying as many people think.
Does God allow divorce? What did Jesus say about divorce?
One question that the Pharisees once threw at Jesus concerned grounds for divorce. They asked, "Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife for any and every reason?," citing a civil command from Moses allowing divorce at the time that the Israelites were wandering back to Canaan.
What does the Bible have to say about coincidences?
With the many factors and occurrences happening all around the world all at one time, is there a possibility that coincidences can actually happen?