Patrick Mabilog
The weakness behind prosperity teachings
Prosperity gospel becomes a snare because the emphasis is so heavily placed on the idea of God's blessing that it replaces the true blessing that is God himself.
Should I ask God for a sign when confirming His will?
Many people today are suckers for signs. They look to the sky, their palms, even to other people for signs that would tell them whether a certain decision is provident or not.
Does God make people sick?
Dealing with the sick can be a challenge for many believers, especially when it comes to loved ones and when the sickness is terminal in nature.
Why can't God just make me stop sinning?
Whether you've been a Christian for one day or for one decade, you would still be in a position where you struggle with sin. And this could lead you to ask the question: "Why can't God just erase sin from the world?"
If I'm a Christian, why do I still struggle with sin?
Have you ever been disappointed with yourself because you seem to keep going back to the same sinful pattern? If you have, then you're not alone.
Is it okay to be mad at God?
The idea of anger relates to an intense feeling of displeasure and disagreement. Can we indeed be displeased with God and still have a right heart?
4 mistakes that can easily ruin a marriage
Many marriages today -- even Christian ones -- seem to fall short all the time. Nowadays, it seems a whole lot easier to break and ruin a marriage than it is to keep a marriage intact.
Is it a sin to gamble? What does the Bible have to say about gambling?
God reminds us of two truths when it comes to earning money: that it comes solely because of the grace of God, and that the most natural way that God allows us to earn money is to work for it, not win it.
4 aspects of ministry that pastors don't enjoy
There are undoubtedly those areas of full-time church work that can be less enjoyable and often greatly time- and effort consuming on the part of pastors.
'The Gay-Welcoming Church': What we can learn from Carl Lentz's latest labeling of Hillsong NYC
Pastor Carl Lentz of Hillsong New York has been known to be one of the most outrageously nontraditional pastors today. This week, he took it up a notch by declaring Hillsong NYC as a "gay-welcoming church."
The one thing that churches should not ignore to experience growth
Many people define church as a religious experience that happens on a weekly basis, while others think of church as a universal organization that is on a mission to tell us what we can and can't do.
Can I be a Christian even if I don't repent of my sins?
A lot of people everywhere don't like hearing the word "repent." It almost feels like it's unbiblical. But have we as Christians truly experienced the beauty and grace that is repentance?