Patrick Mabilog
7 books that will help you grow in the area of leadership
Here are seven books that will help you grow as a leader in ministry, business, home and any other sphere that you influence.
5 wrong thoughts that stop us from being generous
There is a strong biblical emphasis on generosity as a practice and culture which followers of Jesus are called to grow in.
When Jesus gave foot scrubs: A lesson on servant leadership
The world cries out for servant leadership because leaders nowadays would rather sit in an office, go on expensive lunch meetings and play golf with colleagues.
5 ways churches can use the Internet for ministry
While we are to be set apart and of higher moral standard, there are some aspects of culture that we can engage in to win more people over. One of those aspects is the growing popularity and need of the Internet.
How to grow in the prophetic gift without losing its true essence
Just like any other gift, prophecy must be done with proper stewardship and practices. Here are a few ways that we can move in the prophetic gift without losing the true essence of God's purpose for it.
4 misconceptions about the church today
When you ask a group of people what the church is nowadays, everyone would most likely give a completely different answer. Some will be positive, some will even be negative, but what does God have to say about His church?
Is it wrong for Christians to learn about other religions?
Is there truly any benefit to learning other religions or can it only be detrimental to believers?
Will God really give me whatever I ask for in His name?
John 14:14 tells us that "If you ask me anything in my name, I will do it." So does that really mean that I can ask for a private jet just because I want one and God will give me one?
3 ways Christians overcomplicate their faith
The Christian life can be overly complex at times, but most of these numerous occasions it really doesn't have to be that complicated.
4 ways to show generosity
We all know that God calls his people to be generous in every good work, but how can we as Christians faithfully attain a level of generosity that doesn't just bless others but also pleases God?
5 ways Christian living helps you become a better leader
Not all leaders are Christians, and not all Christians are leaders. However, despite of this reality, there is an edge when it comes to leadership once a person turns to Christ.
3 ways pastors drive away first-timers
Churches are on a mission to be more "lost-friendly," and if that's not a mission of your church then it's time that you revisited your values.