Patrick Mabilog
What pastors should do before they start talking about money
One sensitive area that many people hit is the inability of people in ministry to be good stewards of God's money.
When Jesus deals with our failure for us
Have you ever been in a situation where you gave a task or project everything you have, but it still failed? We all have at some point.
Jesus is Emmanuel and how this applies to us in our daily lives
Often, we hear God speak to us that He is Emmanuel, that He is "God with us," but what does that do to us? Does it just become another name to add to the many sets of names that Jesus is given?
7 promises of peace found in the Bible
There is a great demand today for peace and soundness of mind. People try to look for it in many things -- money, practices, principles, relationships and substances, to name only a few.
Talent show or worship experience?
Every church may have had this experience where the praise and worship team turns a worship experience into a rock concert with all the riffs, note changes and vocal ad-libs.
4 things not to say to someone struggling with sin
Helping people get out of sinful patterns can seem like a daunting task, but in it's fullest essence, it's not rocket science, really.
What does the Bible have to say about saving for retirement?
One would be surprised to know that the word "retirement" never shows up in the Bible, but there are principles that point to the concept of retirement and the wisdom behind it.
On choosing God-ordained leaders
Another election season is coming, and people are asking the very simple yet consequential question: "Whom should I vote for?"
Honoring God with our health: Why did God disallow pork?
Health is a gift of God's grace, and it is also a gift that God calls us to value and take care of. While God has given us things to enjoy, he has also directed us so many times to take care of our bodies and honor Him in doing so.
What does the Bible have to say about the blood moon?
In the Bible, God spoke often about the blood moon as being a mark of an opportune time to do something spiritual.
5 ways to bless your pastor
Our spiritual leaders can be the biggest blessing to us and our family, and as members of a congregation, we are called to take care of our leaders as well.
5 discussions to have with a teenager
Parenting teenagers may not require changing diapers or following them around to make sure they don't trip on anything, but just like any stage of parenting, it comes with its own set of challenges.