Michelle Asagra
'Trails of Cold Steel II' to receive a PC port on Feb 14
Japanese roleplaying game (JRPG) "The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel II" is coming to the PC on Feb. 14. The game was originally released for the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita in 2016, but similar to its predecessor, will be receiving a PC port.
'Banner Saga 3' releases first character trailer
Tactical Roleplaying Game (RPG) "Banner Saga 3" is slated for a summer 2018 release, and recently, the first character trailer has been released. The trailer featured Fasolt from the Varl race.
Bioware to develop new "Dragon Age" game
Four years after the release of "Dragon Age: Inquisition," developers Bioware have announced their plans to create a fourth "Dragon Age" game. The upcoming game was confirmed back in 2017, however, not much has been said about it and no details about the game's specifics were given.
Live-action 'Fullmetal Alchemist' movie coming to Netflix in February
The live-action "Full Metal Alchemist" movie is coming to Netflix in February.
Logan Paul returns with a pledge to donate to suicide prevention
After getting roasted for his infamous suicide forest vlog, Logan Paul decided to take some time off of YouTube and reflect on his actions. After several weeks of laying low, Paul returned with a suicide awareness video, an apology, and a promise to donate $1,000,000 to suicide prevention.
'Seven: The Days Long Gone' releases demo uuntil Jan. 30
Open-world isometric roleplaying game (RPG) "Seven: The Days Long Gone" has recently released a demo for those interested in trying the game for free. Created for hesitant buyers who are interested in the game, but not quite sure if they would enjoy it, the demo gives players a feel for the game's in-game mechanics while revealing glimpses of the characters, art, and the game's narrative.
'Kingdom Come: Deliverance' slated for Feb. 13 release
Action roleplaying game (RPG) "Kingdom Come: Deliverance" is slated for a Feb. 13 release. Developed by Warhorse Studios, the game will be making its big debut on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.
'SOS' now in early access, features proximity chat
Survival game "SOS" entered early access on Jan. 24. Despite being a survival game "SOS" does not place a primary focus on combat. Unlike other games of the same genre, "SOS" chose to market itself as a social survival game, and while staying alive is the main goal, fighting is completely optional. Instead, players must scavenge, defend themselves, and work together in order to leave the island in one piece.
'Pokemon Go' introduces new Generation 3 Pokemon
A handful of brand new Generation 3 Pokemon have finally made their way into the hit augmented-reality game "Pokemon Go." Fans all across the globe are excited, and to make things even better, all the eggs hatched during this limited time period, will contain a generation 3 Pokemon.
'My Time at Portia' now on Steam
Sandbox roleplaying game (RPG) "My Time at Portia" entered early access on Jan. 24. The game is currently available for $20.
Video game company Atlus reportedly working on a mystery PS4 game
Rumors regarding video game developer and publisher Atlus have been roaming around the internet. Reportedly, Atlus has been working on a brand new high-end game for the PlayStation 4.
'Rust' to leave early access in February
After four years in early access, survival game "Rust" is finally moving onto the next phase of development sometime in February. The game first released its early access version in 2013, and has been there ever since. According to Facepunch Studios, leaving early access does not mean the game has reached its completion, but that they are ready to move on to the next phase of "Rust's" development.