Mark Woods
Yes, God Is Sovereign. That Doesn't Mean He Chooses Who Runs America
The world has suddenly got less safe. But there are still Christians who are urging us not to worry. And it's not because they are Trump supporters, but because God is sovereign.
The One Thing About Trump's Election No One's Talking About
Donald Trump's election to the presidency of the United States has caught everyone off balance, including, perhaps, Trump himself, though he hasn't shown it.
Senior Syrian Priest Shot As He Enters Aleppo
A senior Syrian Orthodox cleric has been shot as he entered the city of Aleppo.
4 Things To Pray For This Election Day
The run-up to the US presidential election has been pretty awful, but Christians are always called to be be hopeful and to pray.
Can Catholics And Evangelicals Ever Understand Each Other?
How do evangelicals and Catholics relate to each other? Hostility and mutual incomprehension have long been the hallmarks of their perceptions.
Gender Theory 'Spreading Everywhere', Cardinal Says Pope Might Speak Out
A Dutch Roman Catholic Cardinal has said a papal encyclical might be needed to combat false teaching about gender theory.
Ukraine's Religious Divisions Exposed As Church Is Firebombed With Molotov Cocktails
A church has been firebombed in central Ukraine in an attack illustrating the profound religious divisions of the country.
Why Are US Evangelicals Without College Degrees?
By far the most educated religious group in America are Hindus, with 77 per cent having a college degree. Unitarian Universalists are at 67 per cent, with Jews and Anglicans on 59 per cent.
Is An Earthquake Really A Sign Of God's Wrath?
The Catholic priest who blamed Italy's recent earthquakes on gay marriage has doubled down on his assertions in a radio interview.
Was Job A Real Person, And Does It Matter?
The book of Job is one of the most profound and moving in the Old Testament, speaking to the deep things of life and faith with its exploration of suffering and its soaring poetry.
Before US Election, Pope Francis Condemns Politics Of Fear
Pope Francis hit out against the politics of fear in a speech that touched on the crucial themes of the US presidential election without actually mentioning it.
The Bible Book That Doesn't Mention God: 3 Things To Learn From Esther
It reads more like a thriller or a historical novel than a Bible book. It has jealousy, treachery, romance, betrayal, bloodshed and a (reasonably) happy ending.