Mark Woods
Does Integration Mean Government Control Of Religion?
The Casey Review into "opportunity and integration" in the UK makes sobering reading.
British Government Bans Iraqi, Syrian Archbishops From UK Visit
The British government has been slammed for refusing visas to archbishops from Iraq and Syria invited to participate in a service addressed by Prince Charles.
Syria's Children Are 'Trapped In A Living Nightmare' Says Aid Head
"We must ask ourselves: what is left of childhood for the boys and girls of Syria?"
Wayne Grudem Has Changed His Mind On The Trinity - Just Not Enough, Say Critics
Wayne Grudem and Bruce Ware hold a "complementarian" view of male-female relations, which is a nice way of saying there are roles appropriate for men and roles appropriate for women.
Should Doctors Be Allowed To Euthanise An Alcoholic?
It's an unarguable statistic: one out of one dies. But when it comes to when and how someone dies, there are plenty of arguments.
What Our Churches Probably Don't Teach Us: 10 Bible Verses About Work
Most of us probably don't hear too many sermons about work, or get too much church teaching. But the Bible has more 550 references to work.
3 Lessons For Today From The Manna In The Wilderness
Manna was the gift of God to the people of Israel as they wandered in the wilderness before their entry into the Promised Land.
Off With Their Hats: Cardinals Who Queried Pope's Teaching Could Be Demoted
Four cardinals who publicly queried Pope Francis over his document on the family, Amoris Laetitia, may be disciplined by being demoted, a senior Vatican judge has suggested.
Will Protestants Welcome Pope Francis To Northern Ireland?
The Evangelical Alliance in Northern Ireland (EANI) has welcomed news that Pope Francis might visit the province in 2018.
Egyptian Muslim Radicals Destroy Coptic Christian Properties
Muslim radicals have attacked properties and homes belonging to Coptic Christians in Egypt after rumours circulated about a church being constructed.
Tullian Tchividjian Groomed Me, Says Woman He Had Affair With
One of the women with whom Billy Graham's grandson Tullian Tchividjian had affairs has gone public with her version of the events.
When We Can't Go On: 10 Bible Verses About Weariness
We get tired of what we're doing, at home or at work or at church, and we wonder how we're going to go on.