Mark Woods
No bullet-proof glass for Pope Francis on Egypt visit
Pope Francis will not travel in a bullet-proof vehicle when he travels to Egypt later this week, in spite of the risk to his life from Islamist extremists.
New head for Embrace the Middle East charity
UK charity Embrace the Middle East has announced the appointment of its new chief executive, Tim Livesey.
Ecumenical Patriarch defends Holy and Great Council in Geneva address
The Patriarch of Constantinople has used an address at the World Council of Churches in Geneva to defend the Pan-Orthodox Council in Crete last year that was damaged by the last-minute withdrawal of several Churches.
Terrorism will not divide us, say UK faith leaders
Terror attacks in the name of religion are an 'affront to faith', say 24 UK faith leaders.
Rowan Williams challenges politicians: Overseas aid is 'choice between Little Britain and Global Britain'
Former Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams has made a passionate appeal for the preservation of Britain's foreign aid budget after Prime Minister Theresa May hinted on Wednesday she might cut it.
Why, if ministers are busy, they aren't doing it right
The nervousness of the lady who spoke to me after church that Sunday told me I needed to do some serious thinking about my priorities.
Father's grief as 16-year-old Coptic boy is murdered in Egypt's 'war on Christians'
An Egyptian Christian boy found murdered on Maundy Thursday was killed by Islamic extremists hoping to intimidate Christians, say his family.
EA head: Now's the time to help shape our country's future
The Evangelical Alliance has called on Christians to 'fully engage' in the general election and to 'take the opportunity to speak hopefully, and with vision for the future'.
Scottish churchgoing sees dramatic fall, further decline predicted
A dramatic drop in churchgoing in Scotland has been revealed by figures in the latest Scottish Church Census, conducted in May 2016.
Matthew's Easter: A gospel for doubters?
Each of the Gospels tells the story of the Resurrection in a slightly different way. They shape it from a point of view. There's a case for saying Matthew's point of view, in chapter 28, is doubt, uncertainty and incompleteness.
Why did Jesus refuse to drink the wine mixed with gall?
In Matthew's harrowing account of the death of Jesus on the cross, there's one moment where we are told, 'There they offered Jesus wine to drink, mixed with gall; but after tasting it, he refused to drink it.'
San Bernardino killer Cedric Anderson was 'deeply religious' pastor
Cedric Anderson, who shot and killed his estranged wife Karen Smith and an eight-year-old pupil at the San Bernardino school where she worked, was a pastor who often posted about his Christian faith on Facebook.