Mark Woods
Is Romans 13:1 Skewing Evangelicals' View Of Trump?
Just when you thought it was safe to go back on to Twitter, Trump strikes again.
Should A Baptist Feel Free To Make The Sign Of The Cross?
Are evangelicals, with all the smoochy romantic music that's invaded our worship services (no, Jesus is not my boyfriend, thanks very much), really too intellectual for our own good?
Buried Alive For Three Days: Christian Drugs Worker Speaks From Beyond The Grave
John Edwards, 61, is a former drug addict and alcoholic who has devoted his life to helping others with the conditions following what he describes as 'an incredible encounter with God' 27 years ago.
Russian Orthodox Lent Has Started, But Most Russians Won't Be Giving Anything Up
Only a quarter of Russians will keep the Orthodox season of Lent, a poll has found, despite the rising profile and influence of the Russian Orthodox Church.
Does Trump Believe Islam Is Really A Religion? Adviser Ducks The Question
A deputy assistant to President Donald Trump has refused to say whether Trump believes Islam is a religion.
Should I Leave My Church? 10 Things To Help You Decide
Most of us who go to church regularly and are involved in the life of the congregation go through times when we think about leaving.
5 Reasons Why Christians Fast During Lent
Many Christians take Lent very seriously as a time for denying themselves something they enjoy, particularly food.
There's A Grisly, Unhealthy Fascination With The Oscars Fiasco
Is it just me, or is there something pretty unpleasant about the reaction to the Oscars fiasco?
This Tennessee Pastor Is Furious After Planned Parenthood Thanks Him For Donations: 'It Wasn't Me'
A pastor in Tennessee is complaining after he was pranked in a fundraising campaign for the controversial Planned Parenthood organisation.
Czech Christian Freed By Sudan Speaks Of Beatings, Torture
Petr Jašek, the Czech Christian freed from prison in Sudan, has spoken of the beatings and humiliation inflicted on him there.
Why This Old Testament Verse Is So Special - It's Full Of The Gospel
There's one promise in the Old Testament that I believe prefigures the gospel more than any other.
Donald Trump And The Emperor Theodosius: What The Church Got Wrong On February 27, AD 380
There's a very strong argument for saying that today marks the day in history when things began to go very, very wrong for the Christian Church.