Mark Woods
Christian vloggers Sam and Nia announce pregnancy to shocked family and friends
The announcement has thrilled their thousands of YouTube followers.
Kong Hee's first appearance at City Harvest after fraud verdict: 'Pastor is sorry'
City Harvest Church's pastor Kong Hee apologised to his congregation yesterday.
Interfaith encounters: Why respecting other faiths doesn't mean compromising your own
This is a plea for that under-rated theological virtue, politeness.
The five worst husbands in the Bible
The Bible is full of examples to follow, but it's got quite a few examples of people who behaved really badly.
South Africa: Church backs students as Zuma caves in to mass protests
South Africa's President Jacob Zuma has frozen student tuition fees in response to widespread protests by students angry at the proposed rises of up to 12 per cent.
Bristol Palin slams film about evangelical pastor and gun control
Abigail Disney's film The Armor of Light focuses on Pastor Rob Schenck.
Ministers and magic mushrooms: Why religion is about more than mysticism
Scientists are recruiting ministers to take psilocybin, the active ingredient in so-called 'magic mushrooms'.
City Harvest's Kong Hee speaks of 'difficult time', asks for prayers
The Singapore megachurch pastor found guilty of fraud, said on Facebook yesterday it was a "difficult time" for him and his family.
State torture, rape and murder? As long as you pay up, the World Bank doesn't mind
The UN Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights has launched a swingeing attack on the World Bank.
Indonesia begins church demolitions under Islamist pressure
Authorities in Indonesia's Aceh province have demolished three churches, claiming that they lacked the proper building permits.
Netanyahu's Holocaust claims: Why they don't stand up
Israel's President Benjamin Netanyahu sparked controversy yesterday by a speech in which he blamed the Holocaust on a Palestinian.
Al Mohler: Contraceptives and divorce led to same-sex marriage
A leading Southern Baptist theologian and commentator is to issue a call for "faithful, biblical witness" in a book to be released next week.