Mark Woods
'Let there be light': How to read Genesis 1
The first chapters of the book of Genesis are all too often made into a theological battleground.
Academic boycott of Israel: Another front in human rights battle
Academics say they will not visit Israel's universities, act as academic referees or participate in conferences organised by them.
The camel and the needle: What did Jesus really mean?
It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.
Former bishop Heather Cook will serve seven years for fatal hit-and-run
Former Bishop of Maryland Heather Cook will serve seven years in prison for killing cyclist Tom Palermo
Why the Internet and the Church have more in common than you might think
"The internet is like a modern church," according to renowned Chinese artist and dissident Ai Weiwei.
'It could have been a massacre': Shell hits Aleppo church during Sunday service
Seven people were injured when the shell hit the Church of St Francis in the Azizyeh residential district.
Hobby Lobby owners under investigation for illegal import of ancient biblical artefacts
One of America's most high-profile Christian businesses is under investigation for illegally importing ancient Middle Eastern artefacts.
Pentagon 'used Christian aid group to spy on North Korea'
An investigation claims that HISG received funding from the Pentagon connected to espionage in the secretive state.
Does the Church listen to the voices from its margins?
In the UK, leading companies and universities are being asked to remove names from application forms.
20 things you'll never hear in church
Church life is rich, varied and can be very funny.
Australian bishop says he was abused by bishop and senior clergyman
Bishop Greg Thompson spoke out after his diocese apologised for its "shameful" treatment of abuse survivors.
The five best husbands in the Bible
Scripture gives us lots of examples of people who behaved badly, but also those who behaved really, really well.