JB Cachila
Are material blessings a sign of God's approval?
The Bible tells us that God is a good, good Father who gives us good gifts and provides for all our needs.
3 things I learned from fellowshipping with Christians from other churches
Here are 3 precious things I learned from fellowshipping with Christians from other churches.
3 wrong ideas about who is a 'man of God'
Here are some of the twisted or wrong teachings about men of God.
How to be more like Christ and less like today's culture
We Christians can go to church confessing submission to a holy God, but still think, act, talk, and look like the world. Why is that?
Christian founder of Auntie Anne's Pretzels launching new mission to bring healing to victims of sexual abuse
From bringing smiles to the world through her pretzels, Anne Beiler, the founder of world-renowned Auntie Anne's Pretzels is launching a new mission: to bring healing to victims of sexual abuse.
3 words of advice for single Christian men longing to marry
Did you know that you can waste your present by thinking too much about your future?
How Christians can reach out to unbelieving family members
Sometimes it can feel easier to share the Gospel with a bunch of strangers than our own kin
3 ways every Christian dad should treat his family
Dads are given one of the greatest privileges of all time: to represent God in the home.
5 important Biblical reasons to take care of your health
Our health is important to God. It's so important to Him, but many of us don't realize that.
Why is it so difficult to forgive an offender?
To all who struggle with bitterness and releasing forgiveness to an offender, here's an encouragement for you.
Faith helps shooting survivors cope better, researchers find
The researchers found that community was a key part in helping shooting survivors recover from the trauma.
China's Christians are being told to take down their pictures of Jesus and replace them with President Xi instead
The poor Christians were told to take down the pictures of Jesus in their homes and replace them with photos of Chinese president Xi Jinping if they wanted to receive financial aid.