JB Cachila
3 benefits of having a God-fearing spouse
Husbands married to wives who are totally in love with God are blessed, and vice-versa.
Can everyone preach the Gospel?
Yes, but we need some things first...
Can Christians be without a church?
Is it right for any believer to go solo and live out their faith away from other believers?
3 lessons we can learn from pastor Davey Blackburn's love story
Pastor Davey Blackburn, the Indiana pastor who lost his wife in a tragic event back in 2015, recently announced his engagement to Kristi Monroy, a single mom who attends his church.
How should we respond when a fellow Christian falls into sin?
What do we do when a beloved brother or sister in Christ makes the wrong choice and falls into sin? How do we respond to a fellow Christian's stumbling and falling?
3 things Christians should not expect from their pastor
While pastors work hard to take care of the flock that God has entrusted to their care, they are still human. Here are a few things every Christian should not expect from a pastor
3 good things a break from church ministry - or any other service - does to you
We can feel guilty if we are not always staying busy trying to serve God or others. But work, work, work is not always effective.
One reason why it's hard for people to appreciate God's new thing
God is doing a new thing, but so often we just want the old things - the very things He saved us and called us out from!
3 ways Christian husbands can help their wives fulfill their God-given call
With all the discouragements, challenges, stress, and problems that our wives face, we shouldn't be an additional burden to them.
What did God mean when He said 'do not touch My anointed one'?
Psalm 105:15 is one of the most misinterpreted verses in the Bible.
5 reasons why Christ is better than any other superhero
In a world full of mythical and comicbook superheroes, we can all agree that not one of them is enough. There's one Hero, however, who is perfect and is enough for all that we need. His name is Jesus Christ.
Should Christians prepare for a zombie outbreak - seriously?
Zombies in the movies and on TV. Doomsday predictions inside and outside the church.