JB Cachila
3 ways Christian men can honor women
When God created man and woman, He made both of them in His image and likeness. This fact and truth makes men and women equal in the sight of God, with no one being better than the other.
Three meaningful things Christian couples can do together in old age
Old age can be boring for some, but if lived with purpose, couples can make the most of their senior years.
Who is Ruth and what can we learn from her?
As we read all four chapters of the book of Ruth, we read the account of this woman's bravery and love for her widowed mother-in-law. We also read how God grafted her into the lineage of the Messiah.
What is baptism and why do Christians undergo it?
The Bible teaches Christ-followers many things, all of them necessary to living a life of Christ-likeness. One such thing is called baptism.
3 dangers of being a conceited Christian
Conceit is a dangerous thing. Because of this, many of us make the wrong decisions, engage in all the wrong engagements, and dig a pit for our very selves to fall into.
3 things Christians should always expect from God
God is good. And because He is good, we can expect many good things from Him.
Why did Jesus say the stones will cry out?
Jesus' words paint so much more than stones with opened mouths shouting His praise; it shows our wonderful privilege as His people created in His image and likeness.
Why Christian husbands should prioritize their marriages before anything else
Marriages are very important. So important, in fact, that we Christian husbands should prioritize them more than anything else, second only to our relationship with God.
3 things we need to know about David and Jonathan's friendship
David and Jonathan had the most remarkable friendship. It was so unique that many people have misunderstood it and made wrong interpretations about it.
Who is John the Baptist and what can we learn from him?
The Lord Jesus Himself said that out of all the prophets, no one is greater than a man named John the Baptist. If this is true, then it would be good for us to get to know him. Who is he and what can we learn from him?
3 important things we need to live the life God wants for us
If we want to live the life that God wants for us, we've got to follow His instructions for living.
The 3 dangers of lying to yourself
God doesn't want anybody lying - to others or to themselves. While many of us think lying to others and giving them false witness is bad and even destructive, lying to ourselves poses a greater danger to our lives and the lives of others around us.