JB Cachila
What are the qualities of a great Christian spouse?
God designed marriage to be a wonderful way of life in the pursuit of His will. God gave us our spouses to show us how much He loves us and to teach us how we should be like: Christ-like.
What evidence is there for the empty tomb?
Many people do not believe in the empty tomb of Christ, but the Scriptures provide proof that indeed Christ's tomb was empty.
3 signs you're in need of taking time off and spending it with God
Some of us might not realize that we need to spend time alone with God. Here are some signs telling us that we need to do that.
What does the Bible say about speaking in tongues?
With so many disagreements about the gift of tongues, we should let the Bible tell us about it. What does the Bible say about speaking in tongues?
3 things we can learn from John the beloved
John the beloved can teach us many things necessary to a growing faith in and relationship with Christ.
3 ways to enjoy praying - even when you don't feel like praying
Have you ever felt like you don't want to pray? Or that you always need to be in the mood before you can pray? If you said yes to any of the two, you've got to read this.
What to do when you feel like God's plans for you aren't going to happen soon
There are times in our lives wherein we feel like God's plans for us aren't happening anytime soon, even after we have prayed, read our Bibles and obeyed God's Word. What do we do when we feel like that?
Who is Martha and what can we learn from her not sitting at the feet of Jesus?
We may have known Martha as Mary's sister, one who didn't sit down at the feet of Jesus, but there's much more to her than that.
Why did Jesus drive the people out of the temple?
God's house should be the place where He is sought after in prayer, worship, fasting, and the teaching of the Word.
How long should a 'true Christian' spend in prayer each day?
How long should a "true" Christian pray? How many hours should a Christian spend in prayer to become "intimate" with God? How long should a Christian pray to be able to call himself a "true Christian"? In this article, we'll try to answer that.
3 ways to develop a strong Bible-reading habit
Every Christian who wants to grow in the Lord will need to read his Bible daily. Thus, establishing a strong Bible-reading habit will be a very important thing to do.
3 people in the Bible who can teach us a thing or two about making the wrong decisions
The Bible is able to teach us how to make the right decisions every time we are faced with decision-making opportunities. One of the ways it does this is by showing us how people make the wrong decisions, even when they have the opportunity to make right choices.