Jay Freeman
3 things each and every Christian needs to do right after being saved
Too many Christians think merely praying the sinner's prayer is enough to go straight to Heaven. It's not.
Is it possible to be a good Christian and not go to church?
The word "Church," on the other hand, comes from the Greek word "Ekklesia" which means "the called out ones." Are you called?
There's a lie Satan feeds single Christians about marriage
So many single Christians are deceived in this area and feel miserable because of it.
How to get over the pain of being rejected by other people
Rejection is one of the most painful things the human heart can experience. But there are ways to heal.
Why does the answer to our prayers sometimes arrive late?
We feel desperate for an answer but we don't receive a swift reply. Have you ever felt like God is slow to respond?
One reason why we don't see miracles in our lives
We all want to see miracles happen in our lives, but why don't we? Why does God allow that? Let's talk about that.
Here's one reason why a faithful Christian should never lose hope
Many of us feel hopeless whenever we're faced with problems but there are ways of dealing with these unhelpful feelings.
Why we should be thankful for hard times in our lives
How could a loving God let us go through the fire? There is a really good reason - one that can even cause us to rejoice and praise Him.
What does it take to be really strong in faith?
It's not what you think.
Feeling so useless after everything you've done? Here's one for you
Here's a letter to all who are guilty and condemned.
Prayed to no avail? There's one thing we must ask ourselves when our prayers are not being answered
Here's one reason why God doesn't seem to respond to our prayers.
Confused about what the will of God for your life is? Here's what it is
There's a verse in Romans that can help answer this.