Jay Freeman
What is the Promised Land for Christians?
This "promised land" was so wonderful God's people were willing to let go of their current lives to pursue it.
5 things the Bible teaches us about angels
There's a lot of information out there about angels but not all of it's biblical. Here's what the Bible has to say about them.
5 facts about Heaven from the Bible
Here are some facts about Heaven that will help you live a fulfilling Christian life here on earth.
The Christian way to cure your bad mood swings
How should a Christian handle mood swings? The Bible has a prescription for it called the Gospel. Read on to see how it works.
3 reasons even the most devoted Christians can experience dry seasons
We're churchgoing, Bible-reading, faithful Christians. So why is it sometimes we have seasons where we just can't feel God?
Why God lets His people experience spiritual darkness
Why does God allow His people to go through times of spiritual darkness? The answers might surprise you! Read on!
Why saying the sinner's prayer is not enough
The sinner's prayer is not a magic formula for entering the Kingdom of Heaven and here's why.
3 things that happen when we don't have faith
When we don't have faith, it can block some really important blessings.
3 practical things husbands can do to love their wives like Christ loved the church
That sounds pretty challenging. After all, we're not Christ, and we're not perfect and sinless like Him. But it's actually really exciting.
9 areas of faith that Christian marriage will test you in
When you get married, you discover the truth about your faith and yourself - and you might not like it.
What does the Bible say about dating?
People in Biblical times married based on family lineage and economic status. The people of today, on the other hand, check for compatibility and personality traits.
Is being angry with God ever justified?
It's easy to feel angry with God when things don't go our way or a painful tragedy strikes. But there's a better alternative to these emotions.