J John
In memory of Ravi Zacharias
I am very grateful that I learned two big things from Ravi.
The recipe for resilience
Any realistic view of existence acknowledges that life is full of events that appear from nowhere then either trip you up, wear you down or knock you over so you end up on the floor counting your bruises. Under such circumstances we need to get up!
What does Easter mean?
The important and unmissable part of the Easter story is that it is not merely about humanity in general; it is about you in particular.
Three words of hope to help you handle self-isolation
It's vital to take charge of the situation and not let the situation take charge of us
What we can learn from Martin Luther about living through this time of coronavirus
Although we find the present COVID-19 pandemic unusual, it's worth remembering that if you look back over history it was a rare generation that didn't have to grapple with such things as the Black Death, plague, cholera or the like.
Who is Saint Patrick and why is he still celebrated today?
From unbeliever, to slave, to missionary, there is much to learn from this extraordinary man.
Three things that should characterise the life of a Christian during the coronavirus pandemic
The unspoken question our friends, colleagues and family are asking is whether our faith makes us different. Do we walk our talk?
In the face of coronavirus panic, how can we move beyond fear?
Only a morality that is deeply rooted down inside us, that is embedded in the heart, can survive the corrosion of fear.
Why keep Lent?
Most things in the Church's year are festivals and we happily talk about celebrating them. Lent is very different.
In an age of connectivity, we mustn't forget spiritual connectivity
Prayer has been squeezed out by general busyness and by an infinite number of other priorities.
Our 'liberal' culture is, in reality, cruelly illiberal
If, as society has done, the Ten Commandments are rejected, the result is not a state of no morality but instead an alternative morality.
The three wise women in the Christmas story
The idea of being stuck in the shadows came to mind when I was thinking about the three women involved in the story of Jesus' birth; not just Mary, but also Elizabeth and Anna.