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The Scottish missionary who became 'the king of the cannibals'
John Paton endured loss, hardship and the constant threat of violence to bring the Gospel to Pacific islanders.
The utterly inspiring life of 'African saint' Apolo Kivebulaya
Some heroes of the faith are forgotten and deserve rediscovery. One of these being Apolo Kivebulaya, a remarkable church worker in Africa for 40 years and a reminder of the way so many African Christians have spread Christianity on that continent.
Who was Fanny Crosby and why is she so important to Christianity?
Crosby's accessible songs revolutionised Christian music, opening the way to simpler, gentler songs and so, ultimately, to 'gospel music' and modern worship songs.
The black slave who became the first international woman evangelist
Amanda was a woman who suffered. She lost four of her five children, lived a life of poverty and was frequently considered a second-class citizen. Yet hers was a life of remarkable graciousness.
How Harriet Beecher Stowe's Christian faith moved her to challenge slavery
Harriet not only saw what slavery entailed but her offended conscience demanded that she took action. We live at a time when there are plenty of overlooked outrages and we need more Christians with Harriet's enthusiasm to notice them and react wisely.
The courageous faith of Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Dietrich Bonhoeffer, executed for his long-standing opposition to Hitler, is one of the great Christian heroes of the twentieth century.
4 lessons in faith from Salvation Army founder William Booth
Many people had been doing work with the poor in various ways, but Booth's genius was somehow to bring together the ingredients of help, evangelism, support and discipleship to produce a formula that, in the Salvation Army, was so spectacularly successful.
The uniqueness of George Müller
George Müller's unique life demonstrated to his contemporaries that God could be trusted. It says the same to us today.
Who was Elizabeth Fry and why was she important?
The story of how a middle-class lady was able to reform the appalling conditions under which prisoners were treated in Britain and in many other countries, is a classic example of the way God can use unlikely people to extraordinary effect.
The lasting contribution of Francis Schaeffer
Francis Schaeffer cared about the world, he cared about truth, he cared about people. Do we?
The faithful life of Elisabeth Elliot continues to set a challenging example of discipleship
Elisabeth saw Christianity as something that involved a discipleship of complete obedience to Christ. It was such a discipleship that compelled her to meet with her husband's killers and forgive them.
Lessons in the faith from slave trader-turned hymn-writer John Newton
Few stories in Christian history are more dramatic than that of John Newton, whose life demonstrates the title of his most famous hymn, 'Amazing Grace'.