Harry Farley
Christian woman gang raped by three Muslim men in Pakistan
A Christian woman has been gang raped by three Muslim men in her home in Kasur, Pakistan.
Fight over 'religious differences' erupts in German refugee camp
A fight between over one hundred refugees over "religious differences" had to be stopped by German police over the weekend.
ISIS executes 19-year-old Syrian by running him over with a tank
A 19-year-old Syrian was brutally executed by ISIS militants who crushed him to death with a tank, according to a new video released by the jihadist group.
Mega-mosque in east London blocked
Plans to build a "megamosque" in east London have been blocked by the Government, ending a 16-year battle, the Daily Telegraph reports.
Sharia courts in Britain mean Muslim men have 'up to 20 children each' through polygamy
Muslim men in Britain are having up to 20 children each through polygamous marriages, peers have warned.
Bangladeshi blogger arrested for criticising Islam
Human rights campaigners have called for Mohon Kumar Mondal to be released after he was arrested for questioning the rationality of Islam's Hajj pilgrimage.
The forgotten Yazidis: Thousands still stranded on Mount Sinjar
Harry Farley revisits the story of the Yazidis stranded on Mount Sinjar and takes a look at their current predicament
'Gay cure': Christians split over whether controversial therapy should be banned
Nicky Morgan's declaration that 'gay cure' therapies must stamped has sparked a split reaction in the Christian community.
Bishop Angaelos: Christians at risk of being left out by Syrian refugee schemes
Syrian Christians fleeing Islamic State are at risk of not having equal access to the Government's refugee scheme, the General Bishop of the Coptic Orthodox Church in the UK said this evening.
Women are beaten and abused: Why a Christian peer is trying to ban advertising for prostitutes
We went for coffee with the Christian peer who will introduce a bill to ban prostitution adverts tomorrow.
Rumours of Pope's cancer are 'unfounded' and 'irresponsible', says Vatican
The Vatican has denied reports that Pope Francis has a brain tumour.
Sunday trading vote postponed after Christian MPs threaten rebellion
A vote on extending Sunday Trading hours has been postponed by the Government after treats of a rebellion were raised by a number of Conservative MPs.