Harry Farley
Egyptian Christian still held in prison for reporting attacks on churches
An Egyptian Christian remains in prison for reporting attacks on churches despite other journalists being pardoned.
Israeli police clash with Palestinians across West Bank
Fighting between Israeli police and Palestinians has broken out across the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, as a result of ongoing tensions at Temple Mount.
Franklin Graham says he would not vote for a Muslim or an atheist
Franklin Graham has said he would not vote for a Muslim or an atheist in an interview with Fox Radio.
Welby moves to shift Church's 'ambivalent' relationship with money and 'compete Wonga out of existence'
The Archbishop of Canterbury continued his mission to shift the Church's relationship to finance as he commissioned a group of 'Church Credit Champions' in a service in east London tonight.
Corbyn echoes Keir Hardie's call for 'divine discontent' in Labour Party conference speech
Jeremy Corbyn delivered a rousing first speech at the Labour party conference after becoming Labour leader earlier this month.
Christian missionaries told to leave Nepal
Extremist groups in Nepal have warned Christian missionaries to leave the country, Fides reports.
Vatican City turns away journalist posing as Syrian refugee
It appears Vatican City has ignored Pope Francis' call to support refugees after an Italian journalist, posing as a Syrian refugee, was repeatedly turned away.
Central African Republic: Muslims attack Christian neighbourhood in latest sectarian violence
Muslims attacked a mainly Christian neighbourhood in the capital of the Central African Republic (CAR) yesterday after a Muslim was killed and his body dumped near the airport.
British troops deployed to help fight Islamic extremists in Somalia
British troops will be sent to fight Islamic militants in Somalia, David Cameron has announced.
ISIS is planning to target Europe, intelligence officials say
ISIS is developing a foreign policy to strengthen its influence abroad, including carefully planned attacks in Europe, intelligence officials have said.
Russia: Coalition against ISIS needed, but Assad must be involved
Russia is trying to create a co-ordinated body to fight ISIS in Syria, President Vladimir Putin has said.
Pete Greig: Why I struggle with prayer but keep coming back for more
Pete Greig talks to Christian Today after 15 years of running 24/7 prayer