Harry Farley
The Taj Mahal not a Hindu temple, court rules
The Indian government has denied that the Taj Mahal was a Hindu temple.
Gay Christian excluded from church
Christian removed from church membership for 'sinful lifestyle'
Anti-ageing drugs: Why no-one should want to live forever
Harry Farley examines the real possibility of an 'anti-ageing' drug and argues why the prospect of it is a tragedy and distortion.
Court challenged over decision not to prosecute gender-based abortions
The decision not to prosecute doctors offering gender-based abortions will be challenged this week.
Paedophile priests collaborated to hide abuse revealed in confessional
A paedophile priest "had no hesitation" in warning a fellow paedophile priest of an altar boy's abuse complaint even though it meant breaking the seal of confession in the process, the Guardian reports.
Northern Ireland abortion law 'incompatible with human rights', court rules
The ban against abortions in Northern Ireland is "incompatible with human rights," the Belfast high court ruled today in a landmark case.
Indonesia: Muslim group launches global anti-ISIS campaign
A worldwide anti-ISIS campaign has been launched in Indonesia by Islam's largest organisation, the New York Times reports.
Tory peer under fire from Welby over food bank remarks
The Archbishop of Canterbury has criticised a Tory peer who suggested there was no link between benefit changes and the rise of food banks.
Welby: ISIS needs theological and military response
The prospect of war with Syria raises "distinct theological and religious" issues, the archbishop of Canterbury said yesterday.
#LoveCameDown: Church parody of John Lewis shows 'real meaning of Christmas'
St Thomas's Church in Norwich have made a Christmas advert spinning off John Lewis' £13 million promotion.
Dawkins denies comparing 'clock boy' Ahmed Mohamed to ISIS child killer
Richard Dawkins has denied comparing Ahmed Mohamed, the Texan Muslim teenager who was arrested after his homemade clock was mistaken for a clock, and a child forced to behead people by ISIS.
'Victory' for Christian campaigners as Osborne announces tax credit U-turn
Christian campaigners hailed a "victory" today when Chancellor George Osborne announced there would be no cuts to tax credits.