Harry Farley
Tony Abbott: Islam needs a religious reformation
A "religious revolution" is needed inside Islam, the former Prime Minister of Australia has said as he called for an Islamic reformation.
Church smashes world record for largest ever gospel choir
The world record for the largest gospel choir has been smashed by a church in the Philippines.
New 21st century home for Lambeth's ancient treasures
Lambeth Palace's first new building for 180 years will host the Church's historic library amid fears its current home could not preserve the collection to modern standards, according to the Telegraph.
Missionary hero returns to DRC to defend men accused of shooting her
A missionary shot by bandits has received a heroine's welcome as she returned to the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).
Syria vote: The shocks and surprises of how Christian MPs voted on air strikes
Harry Farley analyses the shocks and surprises of how different MPs voted on air strikes in Syria last night
Has Ben Carson said he believes US Presidency is God's plan?
Ben Carson has put the success of his campaign down to a "force greater than myself."
Rob Bell: Christians must not be consumed by fear
Rob Bell, former pastor of Mars Hill church, has criticised those who engage in "pointless" online debates and urged Christians to "fear not" as the threat of terrorism grows.
Christian girl, 8, stripped and beaten to punish uncle for dating Muslim
An eight-year old Christian girl has been beaten and striped naked in order to punish her uncle.
Christmas toned down in Bethlehem as violence escalates
Christmas is damped in Bethlehem after the Palestinian Authority asked governing bodies to tone down public celebrations this year as violence escalates between Palestinians and Israel, according to RNS.
Archbishop of York begins 6 month walking pilgrimage of north east
The archbishop of York has embarked on a six-month walking pilgrimage to each of his deaneries in the north east of England.
Tim Farron reverses position, will support Syria air strikes
Tim Farron has reversed his position on air strikes and announced he will support David Cameron's motion to bomb ISIS in Syria.
Christian MPs torn on bombing ISIS in Syria
As MPs consider whether they will support air strikes in Syria, Harry Farley examines what some of the Christian MPs are saying.