David Robertson
Revelation 3: Why Christians Need To Stop Worrying About The End Times
What do you see when you look at the Church in the West today? Some churches copy the business practice of SWOT analysis, looking at the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats.
Revelation 6: How Do We Know When A Church Is Dead?
If the Holy Spirit was taken away from the church in the West today, 90 per cent of what we do would carry on as if nothing had happened!
Revelation 2: Jezebel And The Tolerant Church
It is a demonstrable fact of modern life that in the name of tolerance we are becoming increasingly intolerant.
Revelation 4: A warning to the compromising church
David Robertson looks at what Jesus' words to the church in Pergamum have to teach us today.
Keith Vaz: Defending the indefensible
It seems to be the ultimate sting. A tabloid newspaper pays a couple of male prostitutes for their story about their time with a senior politician.
Revelation 3: The victorious persecuted Church
My brother Vijay was severely beaten this June in Jabalpur, India. My sister Shigo was executed in Syria last year.
Revelation 2: Has the church lost its first love?
David Robertson continues his journey through Revelation, and asks whether the Western church has lost its passion for Christ.
Revelation 1: What was the purpose of John's vision of Christ?
John's revelation that Christ is alive changes everything, and now is the time to let him into your life.
How to read - and understand - the book of Revelation
For centuries Revelation has been the staple diet for conspiracy theorists, millenialists and anyone who wants to find some Scripture for their own personal crackpot theory.
Tim LaHaye and the end times: What should we believe about the end of the world?
Tim LaHaye co-authored Left Behind, which influenced millions of Christians' understanding of the end times.
Naming and Shaming - the Named Person Debacle
Why did Christian organisations take the government to court over the Name Person scheme?
The burning issue: Why the Church has got to start talking about hell
I'm not sure when I last heard any teaching about hell in church, never mind a good old fashioned hell-fire sermon.