David Robertson
Revelation 17: The prostitute on the scarlet beast
John was not preaching a gospel sermon â but he was telling the troubled and besieged churches about the enemy they were facing.
The 'Great Disruption' happened 174 years ago this week. Why does it matter? Why should we care?
On May 18, 1843, 174 years ago, 121 ministers and 73 elders got up and walked out of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland being held in St Andrew's Church, Edinburgh. Why should we bother even noting this, never mind reading and thinking about it?
Revelation 16 and the message of Armageddon: God is sovereign
In the midst of the darkness, the pain and the evil, the good God is sovereign. And he is furious at the evil, cruelty, abuse, injustice and ugliness that seeks to destroy his good creation.
Predictions and trajectories: What will the Church in Scotland look like in 30 years?
So what will the Church look like in 2047? It is impossible to foresee with any certainty, but the current trajectory suggests the following.
If there was no Resurrection, we're following a dead Christ
A survey conducted by the BBC suggests that 21st-century Brits might be even more open to the idea of resurrection than 1st-century Greeks.
The Lucky Number that gets you to Heaven: Revelation 15
Continuing David Robertson's Revelation series: In this weeks chapter (Revelation 15) we hear about seven angels, seven plagues, and seven golden bowls.
The end of the United Kingdom? Why there should not be a second Scottish referendum
There are many people in Scotland who do not want another referendum (49 per cent to 39 per cent according to the latest polls) and who would be thankful if we did not have to go through it just now.
Tragedy In Lewis â A Pastoral Response
Rev Dr Iain Campbell, a Free Church of Scotland minister, committed suicide and was posthumously accused of having had affairs with several women. David Robertson offers a pastoral response.
Signed, Sealed And In Heaven: Not One Of The 144,000 Of Revelation 7 Is Lost
Anyone can sing the song of the Redeemed, if they are redeemed. It is impossible to learn and sing without that experience.
Revelation 13: What Is The Mark of the Beast?
Let's try a little test. Would you accept a hotel room with the number 666? When your car reaches 666 miles and crashes do you think that's a coincidence?
Is Evangelical Theology Really To Blame For Sadistic Abuse?
I have a confession to make. I was not abused. This may come as a shock to those who think that being brought up in a Christian home, attending Sunday school and being sent on Christian summer camps made me a prime target.
The 'Great Satan' Acting Like Satan. Is Portraying Trump As 'The Devil' Preventing Sane Debate?
"Although it is not a ban on Muslims, it sounds like one. And for that reason it will fuel the number one reason for terrorism - grievance. The 'Great Satan' will have acted like Satan." David Robertson on President Donald Trump's controversial executive order on travel and refugees.