David Robertson
An astonishing courtroom hug and what it teaches us about radical forgiveness
Brandt Jean did the unthinkable and embraced the woman convicted of murdering his brother
The gay atheist who made me weep and pray
At a time when so many Christians are compromising with the culture in order to 'win it' â and thereby losing both the culture and the church â it is wonderful that the Lord gives us a gay atheist who sees and speaks truth!
Outgrowing Atheism: it's time for Richard Dawkins to grow up
Richard Dawkins has managed to produce a book on theology, history, philosophy, ethics and science that is even worse than his first.
The BBC and the Tower of Babel
The BBC are teaching queer theory as scientific fact when it isn't. They are dismantling the whole idea of truth. But it is also inhumane and harmful to children.
What can the Church do about Brexit?
Can the Church shed any light on the situation? I think we can. But we have to be careful. It is not the role of the Church to take sides on political issues.
Lessons for the West from China
China tries to make every child the same. I have seen the same principle in Scottish schools, where social engineering and attempted thought control at times tend towards Maoism.
Is prostitution work?
We talk about the exploitation of women and applaud the MeToo movement, while at the same time permitting and encouraging young women to be purchased and exploited by older men.
We need to stop using tragedies to make political points
The blame game is all too easy after attacks like the one in Sydney
Out of the darkness: Is the secularist faith in decline?
We hear a great deal about the decline of the Church and the decline of the Christian faith in today's West. But I wonder if we are also seeing something else â the decline of the secularist faith.
Harari's hypocrisy and why Christians can be just the same
Harari has fallen prey to the temptation of so many Christian preachers and prophets. Rather than just say the Word of the Lord to the culture, we are tempted to adapt the message, rewrite the Bible and proclaim it in such a way that will not offend and will ensure us a hearing.
That Bachelorette sex talk and what it says about Christianity in the West
There are some wonderful programmes on TV that make you glad to be a human being â and there are others that make you understand why the Lord destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah.
Is the Church in the UK a sinking ship?
Is there a reality that we are not facing up to? Do we really face the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?