David Robertson

  • Why I won't/will bend the knee

    Why I won't/will bend the knee

    Racism is a sin. But I won't be taking the knee - and I won't be joining the BLM marches. Here's why.

  • Can the American Gospel save America?

    Can the American Gospel save America?

    Are we witnessing the end of US hegemony in the world? Are we witnessing the end of the US as we know it? Some will wish that it were so. For them the end of the US is good news – although they have no idea what the world would be like without the US. For me and many others, we are watching the decline of the US with a growing sense of dread. Is there no good news?

  • After another Christian loses faith, is convenience Christianity to blame?

    After another Christian loses faith, is convenience Christianity to blame?

    Convenience Christianity leads to cliched Christianity where life is full of slogans and pep talks, clichés and emotions, but little reality.

  • Jesus's plea to Russell Brand

    Jesus's plea to Russell Brand

    The comedian/commentator Russell Brand is a stimulating and fascinating cultural icon. This week I was so moved by one of his vlogs that I sent him the following letter

  • The Church cares about the unborn, but what about the elderly?

    The Church cares about the unborn, but what about the elderly?

    It is noticeable and sad how many churches have pulled out of care home provision.

  • The problem with the Green movement

    The problem with the Green movement

    The Green revolution either presupposes that human beings are essentially good and can sort the problem ourselves; or that we are so evil we should just be wiped out for the good of the planet. Neither is true.

  • The antidote for despair

    The antidote for despair

    The book of Revelation ends by telling us that the leaves of the trees are for the healing of the nations. Where are those leaves?

  • What does the Book of Revelation say about Covid 19?

    What does the Book of Revelation say about Covid 19?

    It won't be long before someone is publishing an End Times book, showing how Revelation prophesied Covid 19 and how it is a sign of the End. I don't believe that – in fact I regard that as an irresponsible use of Scripture in direct defiance of John's warning at the end of this book, not to add anything to his words. But there are basic principles which, like the warning in Revelation 8, make this apocalyptic book a real revelation for us in our crisis.

  • The four horsemen of the Covid apocalypse

    The four horsemen of the Covid apocalypse

    When the world is facing a deadly plague which is often conveyed in such apocalyptic terms, it seems unnecessary to add yet another article to the plethora of doomsday writings flooding our screens. But now that we are several weeks into the Covid 19 pandemic perhaps there are some general patterns we can discern and warnings we can heed.

  • Songs, spiritual and secular, to contemplate this Easter

    Songs, spiritual and secular, to contemplate this Easter

    If you miss singing with the Lord's people this Easter, like I do, let the power of music speak into your self-isolation.

  • No laughing matter: there's something greater at stake than the arrest of Rodney Howard-Browne

    No laughing matter: there's something greater at stake than the arrest of Rodney Howard-Browne

    When a preacher is undermining the Church by his words and actions, and endangering the lives and souls of those within and without, it is incumbent on others who are teachers in the Church (the pillar and ground of the truth), to point out their error and as strongly as possible warn about the harm they cause.

  • C S Lewis and the war against coronavirus

    C S Lewis and the war against coronavirus

    The wisdom of C S Lewis, who lived through World War Two, speaks to us today in the midst of this unsettling coronavirus pandemic.