David Baker
What could Donald Trump learn from 'Just War' theory?
One of the phrases trending on Twitter over the last few days has been '#FranzFerdinand' â and it's not in relation to the Scottish rock band which bears that name.
What will happen to the Church of England and Anglicans in 2020?
As we look ahead to the coming year, what may happen to the Church of England â and indeed to the wider Anglican Communion?
When you feel betrayed by God: my top Christian book of the year
If life seems painful and baffling right now, read 'When God Doesn't Make Sense'.
Honest, heartfelt questions for the next Archbishop of York
Isn't it rather unreasonable to criticise someone even before they take up their new post? It all looks a bit 'red-faced and shouty' â doesn't it? Maybe â but maybe not; sometimes there are real questions to be asked.
Should British Christians welcome Franklin Graham?
Why might a suggested visit by this preacher â son of the famous Billy â make some react with caution? And are they right?
Weep, weep, weep for the silenced voters whose voices will never be heard
Do not walk away from those of whom we shall now speak.
We must defend free speech â or must we?
In practice, virtually no-one believes in completely free speech
Is the 'transgender bubble' about to burst?
Are we close to reaching 'peak transgender'? Is the once-seemingly inexorable march of contemporary transgender ideology about to be halted?
Farewell to the Frank Sinatra Parliament
Parliament prorogued, DUP intransigence, Labour infighting, Scottish Nationalist opportunism. Truly, this has been a House of Commons where everyone sought to 'do it their way' and we, the long-suffering British people, have paid the price.
All hail the new sexual and gender ideology
While secular society has effectively abolished any concept of 'taking the Lord's name in vain', or blasphemy against God, it has replaced it with a secular equivalent: speaking against the now sacred name of contemporary sexual and gender ideology.
Britain's 'favourite hymn'? I'm sorry, it's gibberish
You may have thought Britain was in trouble because of facts such as political deadlock over Brexit or the decline in church attendance.
What should bishops say in public?
I struggle to see how, without much mention of the name of Jesus, bishops can say they are "proclaiming the glorious gospel of Christ".