David Baker
'Living in Love and Faith': there may be much to encourage, but there is also every reason to stand firm
Is what will now unfold simply a prolonged and bloody battle between wholly incompatible and irreconcilable worldviews, albeit couched in the (mostly) low and hushed tones of 'Anglicanspeak'?
What the Church of England's evangelical leaders have in common with Dad's Army
Church of England evangelicals now face a historic challenge to 'contend once for all for the faith delivered to the saints'. Ineffectual or half-hearted leadership will not suffice.
Are British Christians robust enough to suffer?
When eventually our churches somehow return to normal, with no masks, no restrictions, no social-distancing, who, I wonder will still be there? Who will have endured? And who will quietly have melted away?
Bishops' ban on individual Communion cups is wrong, say top lawyers
Leading lawyers have asserted that a ban by Church of England bishops on the use of individual communion cups for wine during the current pandemic is incorrect.
The C of E's clergy discipline scandal is symptomatic of a deeper problem
The Sheldon report would like Church of England discipline of clergy to be "more Christian". I'm not holding my breath. But I would love to be surprised.
What is healthy Christian diversity?
There is some legitimate diversity set out in Scripture when it comes to things we believe. But there's never any indication in the New Testament that there is a legitimate diversity to be had in some other matters â including matters of sexuality and gender.
Stephen Cottrell's latest interview: startling, puzzling â offensive?
What sort of qualities ought we to expect to find in a church leader? The New Testament has some pretty clear stipulations about who is suitable and who is unsuitable.
Jonathan Edwards' disturbing support for slavery: some reflections
The American theologian Jonathan Edwards has had a huge influence on Christians on both sides of the Atlantic. Yet there is a darker side to Edwards which is not so well known: the fact that he owned slaves.
Let us bow afresh to Mammon: the government's mistaken Sunday trading plan
Relaxing Sunday trading hours is disastrously wrong.
Dominic Cummings, Church of England bishops and righteous anger
When we feel angry and want to blame, and are just tempted to lash out, let's first pause.
Covid confusion: Church of England clergy and their buildings
Buildings are generally useful and may well be beautiful. But theologically, there was, and is, no Scriptural (or even technological) necessity for clergy to live-stream or record services in church buildings
Is coronavirus helping you repent?
We don't like unexpected intrusions into the routine of our everyday lives, do we? Such disruptions can be unsettling, painful and discomforting. The key thing is: how do we then react? And is it the right response?