David Baker
Sunday farce hour?
Not even the blitzkrieg of Nazi bombs on London was able to stop Sunday Half Hour
Jesus, the bishops and civil partnerships
It would be a very substantial change indeed firstly to reinterpret all the negative Scriptural references to homosexual practice
If Terry Waite can forgive Hezbollah, can Anglicans forgive each other?
Is it too much to ask that bickering and embittered Anglicans might be enabled to reach out to one another over the issue of women bishops
The Queen speaks â does Britain hear?
It is tragic that so much of the media seems to be 'ever hearing but never understanding'
Christmas: God speaking human
God was so keen to communicate with us that he came to us directly in person
A Royal Baby: five reasons to rejoice and pray!
We should pray because we are commanded to
Leveson Report: how might Christians respond?
Lord Leveson's suggestions are consistent with the Christian concept of government stepping in to act as a check on bad behaviour
The monster devours itself: reflections on the maelstrom at the BBC
The hectoring tone of some news interviews should certainly cause us concern
What are cathedrals here for?
It seems to me that God is constantly in the business of communicating, of clarifying, of interpreting
First class travel and the Christian difference
But when MPs travel in a way that is beyond the means of most ordinary voters, damaging perceptions can be reinforced