Anne Thomas
Christian Aid Urges Blair to Cut Domestic Emissions First
Christian Aid urged the Prime Minister last night to cut down UK's emissions of greenhouse gases before leading the global fight against climate change...
Ministers Publish Horrific Report on Abused African Children
A "harrowing" report on abuse to African children branded as witches is being prepared to be published by ministers...
Teenage Rocker Prepares New Album, Becomes Sensation in Japan
Popular 17-year-old Christian artist Krystal Meyers has become a sensation in Japan. Since the U.S. release of her self-titled debut album on Essential Records, Meyers has...
Presbyterian Church Praised as Votes Prevent Israel Divestment
Community leaders and Christian supporters of Israel recently welcomed a decision by a committee of America’s Presbyterian Church...
EU Funds Allow World Vision to Help Drought Stricken Ethiopia
The European Union and humanitarian organisations, including World Vision, have responded to the failure of short rains during October...
Doctor Says Teen Pregnancy is Nature's Law, Christians Condemn
Pregnancy in teenage girls 'all part of nature's law' Dr Laurence Shaw, deputy medical director of the Bridge Centre fertility clinic in London...
Brazilian Footballer Lucio Offers All Glory to God
28-year-old Brazilian football player, Lucio, says the team that gives God the utmost glory deserves to be the champion in the World Cup 2006...
Donnie McClurkin Launches Youth Xplosion 2006
Youth Xplosion 2006 will launch in Long Island, New York, where Pastor Donnie McClurkin and Perfecting Faith Church will host Christian artists, athletes, stars and local Pastors.
British Youth Undertake Mission to Unite with Thousands of Kenyan Christians
A mission event entitled 'Soul Nairobi 2006' will gather together young Christians in the UK with thousands of Kenyan Christians this summer...
Young British and Kenyan Christians to 'Roll Up Theirs Sleeves' in Nariobi
A mission event entitled Soul Nairobi 2006 will gather young Christians in the UK and thousands of Kenyan Christians together this summer, combining...
Christian Aid Supports Amendment of Company Law Reform Bill
As the House of Commons began to debate the Company Law Reform Bill on Tuesday morning...
Christian E-Books for Generations to Come
Technology has allowed the proclamation of Christianity to accelerate in the past years. And when e-books arrived in the scene...