Anne Thomas
Government Decisions on Climate Change Frustrate Christian Charity
Tearfund recently expressed disappointment that the Government's emphasis in Energy Review is on using nuclear power to tackle climate change...
Evangelical Publisher Announces Christian Book Awards, Sponsors London Book Fair
The Christian Book Awards will be presented during the International Christian Retail Show 2006 in Denver, Colorado, in the week of July 9-13...
United Methodist Youth Conference Set to 'SPLAT'
Youth2007, the largest United Methodist Church youth event, will be held July 11-15, 2007, in Greensboro, North Carolina, and is expected to allow participants to experience God through multiple ministerial...
English Pupils Take Happiness Classes as Youth Depression Rises
It has been reported that "schoolchildren will take self-esteem classes to raise standards and cut crime". With the aim to cut depression...
Christian Aid Protests to Block Funds for the World Bank and IMF
Christian Aid reports that the World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF) are pursuing such damaging policies against poor people...
Soul in the City to Mobilise 2,000 Christian Youth in London
SOUL IN THE CITY London is currently mobilising more than 2,000 Christian young people to take part in 40 separate projects aimed at serving their local communities across the Greater London area, from 29th July till 5th August 2006.
Rev. Run and "His Words of Wisdom"
Rev. Run, also known as Joseph “Run” Simmons, recently released his book “Words of Wisdom: Daily Affirmations of Faith.” Known for over two decades as one of the most respected pioneers of hip-hop...
Jamaican AIDS Director: Churches Should Take Modern Approach Towards HIV
As the HIV crisis continues to rise in Jamaica, Novlet Reid, the Director of Support Services at Jamaican Aids Support is urging churches...
Christian and Family Groups Agree that Harry Potter Should Die
Author J.K. Rowling recently announced that she will consider the death of Harry Potter in one last terrible battle with the evil Voldemort, as an act of self-sacrifice.
Tearfund Urges G8 Leaders to Take Action on Climate Change
Tearfund is urging G8 leaders to take concrete action on climate change, one year on from the mass mobilisation of poverty campaigners...
Filmmaker Produces Christian Version of 'The Little Rascals'
Filmmaker Gregory Schmidt, a member of St. Boniface Parish in Iowa, is involved in producing a children's movie series that endorses moral values...
Krystal Meyers Prepares New Album, Becomes Sensation in Japan
The teenage rocker is now readying for her sophomore album Dying for a Heart, which will be in stores Sept. 19...